Officer tatum doesn't realize NFL ballers are forced to over spend as a stipulation of their contracts is delusional thinks God blesses certain people more financially than others

     Jackie Butterworth

     Once again using the excuse that God blesses those individuals with financial gain and the myth of this officer Brandon Tatum went on this rant and talking about financial success. BrandonTatum is one of these Christians who thinks that Jesus Christ anoints certain financial success to individuals as rewards or something and the continuing lie and embarrassing claims are so often made by these Christians. Brandon Tatum also couldn't understand how all these football players make tons of money and then they blow it spending on stuff.  Right-wing Christian extremist Officer

Brabndon Tatum feels bad for them though fails to realize that one of the conditions of their contracts is to spend a lot of money that may not be known and clearly they are under much pressure for  these players to use that money not just have it in a bank and sit there. and not do anything There's a lot that officer Tatum doesn't know as the right-wing former police officer turn talk show host is often ignorant and again the idea that Jesus Christ wants financial wealth and

someone like Warren Buffett and Mark Zuckerberg with wealth is a idiotical claim that has no merits and no understanding. 

    Officer Titan was talking about how these people who have gained massive amount of wealth often took initiative whether it be Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg starting from scratch and he  officer Tatum makes claim that the Lord Jesus Christ or God decides which individuals will be good for society and deserving of this massive amount of wealth. Officer Tatum said that if you want to be wealthy you should be a good Christian and live a moral lifestyle and most often these people will be financially rewarded by the Lord Jesus Christ with  much billions and millions and billions of dollars. Tatum went on to praise the uber undeserving rich and the super wealthy people give out through charity as he made mention of one individual he knew who gave away some 300 million dollars.  

     Officer Tatum should realize that if someone has 300 billion dollars naturally it will be very easy for them to donate millions and give money to museums to name them after this individual who has such a ego and narcissism that they demand buildings be named after them. Officer Tatum is just so ignorant on the whole fraud that the massively wealthy have been able to count on the people and fool people like him and what did they give the money or are forced to give their massive amount of fraudulent wealth to charities is besides the point. The point is that these individuals in business should not have the billions of wealth in dollars that yeah Tatum are not granted or anointed by God.  Tatum grifted for the

super wealthy that Christian like him almost worship as much as Jesus. According to Officer Tate it is not up for us to decide but for God which is a typical and absurd answer that many Christians give in defense of these asinine billionaires, who are screwed over the system and redirected wealth into a individual direction that they get to enjoy. Officer Brandon needs to do more reading on business and learn the lifestyles and the addiction to wealth and how often leads to the corruption that we are seeing today and this man saying the garbage she does on his radio show doesn't help or aid in anything

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