Patrick David Bet comes on Jesse Watters and makes claims that Kamala Harris radical fans are giving him death threats

         Andy Cruz

     Patrick David Bet on Jesse Waters program and has been allowed and vocal critic of horrible Democrat Party leftist candidate Kamala Harris. In fact, the Valuetainment  host told Jesse Waters that the amount of criticism that he has been giving Joe Biden and now the Kamala Harris campaign has led to numerous online and notorious death threats sent to the offices of his Value team at Studio in Miami The

number of death threats from Kamala Harris fans through both snail traditional snail mail and modern email has dumbfounded Patrick David Bet who says that perhaps 30 to 40 death threats have come in in recent days from his heavy criticism of Kamala Harris on Valuetainment. The willingness of the crazed Kamala Harris woke blue-haired far left crowd to attack and verbally and written communication of hate and death threats is utterly reprehensible. Kamala Harris needs to come out and condemn all these death threats that her followers are sending to various right-wing and conservative program hosts as just the other day Clay Travis got a nasty written letter that predicted he will be killed within 10 days. 

      The number of death threats that are coming from crazed Democrat Party followers and huge sycophants for Kamala Harris towards popular individuals such as Mr Travis and now David Bet Patrick needs to be highly condemned and the people sending these death threats need to be prosecuted. David Patrick came on Jesse Watterson says despite these numerous online death threats he is going to continue the hammer what is essentially a incompetent and unqualified individual running for president a in Kamala Harris. Patrick Bet David said that voters are not

going to fall for the media concocted popularity sudden popularity of this dipshit Kamala Harris who despite what some media says is not a young woman Kamala Harris is 60 going on 74. This woman is a cackling radical lunatic and electing Kamala Harris would essentially be like electing Whoopi Goldberg as president. Patrick David Bet said that Kamala Harris and the Democrats are shameful disgusting aspect of a political party and basically the globalist who are funding this party do so with a fascist and troll motivation of control

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