Racist Alden Loury opinion columnist for Chicago Sun Times more upset of the racist trolls not in Chicago then the actual black violence in Chicago

        Earl " Bam Bam" Cunningham

     WBEZ radio host ,editor, and sometimes Sun Times columnist Alden Loury went off in a recent article anger and triggered a month ago at the number of online trolls that bash Chicago. The windy city  saw one of the worst and most violent July 4th weekends as more than 100 people were shot and 20 were killed and the news media there reported this shocking figure included many online trolls such as bloggers and sites like this. Chicago is a display for urban violence weather Chicago sometimes writer Alden Loury and bad radio host wants to admit it or not and the heinous crimes committed in this the city is often done by people who look like him. Mr Loury was upset as he read the comments in new story after news story that he says was racially tinged and included many barbs as many people pointing out that indeed black urban violence in America's large cities are out of control and chaotic. 

    All Alden Loury though seems to be more upset at the online trolls pointing out the truth instead of the savage brutlaity and killing in his community.  Loury needs to face facts and sometimes the truth hurts and comes from trolls. The truth hurts Mr Loury as he knows that it is black people shooting and committing massive crime primarily against other black people, but also against non-blacks as well. If these were white people committing the crimes in urban cities and clearly Alden Loury would write different type of articles talking about the white menace and bashing white culture and society. For the black supremacists in our society , such as Alden Loury, voting  for such open and disgusting unqualified candidates whether they be Barack Obama or Kamala Harris who are committed to protecting the criminal is more the norm.  The pointing out the extreme violence in the black community in data that they don't want to hear and will accuse you of being racist instead of addressing why black communities are always associated with crime. Mr Alden Loury complains and cries about racist

comments left on web pages and talk of Chicago. Mr Loury will talk about poverty being the cause of much of the crime in Chicago, yet whenever I see urban people they seem to be dotted with the most up-to-date expensive brand sneakers, gold chains, and watches so I don't think violence violent is poverty   driven as most of the victims and those committing these crimes are filled with hundreds of thousands of dollars in gold jewelry. Sometimes Mr Loury also blames segregation but much of segregation is self-segregation or the in  inability of black communities to draw outsiders who want to live in around

largely black communities as few would want to live as its all or predominately black communities as they always seem to be associated with high crime rates. In a sense though poverty should not be driving matter for crime and as often used as an excuse by the likes of Black power propagandists Alden Loury who is in complete denial of the crime stats in the large cities including Chicago. The likes of this

WBEZ radio host will always try to find other connections to link the extreme high crime rates of the black community instead of the individuals in this community itself and the glorification of gangs, massive drug pedaling, and a repulsive repugnant violent and sexual music that is a trademark of the blacks. The extreme violence in Chicago has nothing to do with residential covenants of neighborhoods 70 and 80 years ago and Alden Loury knows this and is not this dumb. what Alden Loury needs to do is to recognize the disproportionate levels of violent crime in his communities and addressing the core issues of lack of parenting and discipline along with values in these communities

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