Raymi the artist gives one of the most degenerate obscene rap from any artist of all time

Baxter Lomax

    Scummy scummy is the best way to describe the latest song of Raymi the Artist who did a video called "Act Like That". Raymi the artist is yet another brutal black female twerker that is promoted by this music Mafia system to promote degenerate twerking black female music through the rap system and industry. There are so many black female sexualized artists that we have termed black female rap as black porn modern porn and essentially it is very little difference between pornography and the black rap twerking music that we see of today. Make no mistake Raymi the artist is a scumbag who sexualizes music and targeting young impressionable minds with her

horrible music and the amount of filth and degenerate lifestyle celebration that is part of this woman's act and performance is utterly reprehensible rRaymi the artist is a perverse and sick prostitute-like sexualized member of the music mafia system that promotes the most disgusting forms of music and do so purposely. 

       Make no mistake rap music is purposely marketed and promoted by a sick entertainment industry they want to sexualize young people in all aspects of culture and society and thus the monster and Frankensteinic music that we see being promoted to the youth in Hip Hop and other forms of dress and action have utterly brought about a decline in our culture and Country. Raymi the artist is a filthy foul mouth vulgar artist like much of black female rappers and her disgusting talents

could be seen in this video on YouTube and other musical acts that this monster is able to perform. The amount of degenerate cultural regression that hip hop garbage and rap music has been allowed to process and distribute has been destructive to our

culture and the focus of degeneracy is the goal of pushing such toilet music and lifestyles and the focus of black female twerking has been able to produce is a black eye to this country and needs to be stood up and resisted in all aspects of our culture.

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