Scott Walker levels Joe Biden prepared to run against him in 2028 if need be

 Jay Yang

Skywalker Scott has jumped on Joe Biden and considers running for president in 2028. Former Wisconsin governor Scott Walker came out of mainstream media to talk about Joe Biden's problems and how he is worried about this country having such a illegitimate senile old man is leader of the country and his finger on the nuclear button. Scott Walker stated that Joe Biden is such a neoclassical narcissist that even if he loses this might not be the end of Joe Biden.

Walker suggested that Joe Biden would run again in 2028 and make a formal opponent opponents likely to win the Democratic primary again well despite current  talk of Joe Biden dropping out 2024 continues. Scott Walker is hoping this is the case and if not he predicts a Trump Victory to end. The failed presidency of Joe Biden yet Scott Walker says that Joe Biden likely is such a narcissist if he's still alive he will make one more presidential run in 2028 and Mr Walker says he might be right there in this is what may motivate Mr Walker to once again run for president. Skywalker Scott Walker said that if Joe Biden has anything to do with the presidential ticket of 2028 whether he's going to do a third term or if he loses and decides to run against Scott Walker will definitely get back into the world of politics and enter the Republican primary  as Mr Walker noted Joe Biden has been a disaster for the vast majority of the American people with his trolling style and race division that has been the high Mark and calling card of this silly career politician. Scott Walker

called Joe Biden old punk who should never been in the White House and Mr Walker reiterated the number of people who are much more qualified to be president including himself Tthe former governor of Wisconsin says there's a strong chance he will once again run for president and whether this old geezer 91-year-old Joe Biden would be involved as some sort of opponent would be very surprising to Mr Walker. Scott Walket believes that Joe Biden will eventually be forced out by the Democratic Party Elites as Joe Biden would call them as this arrogant Delaware senator and failed president doesn't like the idea of other people telling him what to do,  but we all know that his happens. Scott Walker absolutely leveled this bubble-headed booby Joe Biden to such a such a great extent clearly for once Scott Walker's name got into the media for a few days confused Joe Biden had to be reminded who exactly Scott Walker is

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