Slow Joe Biden loses his cool in Lester Holt MSNBC interview and has a meltdown

      Ed West   

      Joe Biden is a demented failed loser of a nothing but trouble presidency that from day one has been nothing but trouble for the American consumer and worker. Slow Joe Biden is committed to working his best against the average citizen as his economic war against the American people is slowly going to be reversed when Trump destroys him in November. With this in mind, Lester Holt interviewed Joe Biden who was not

used or prepared for a hostile unfriendly interview that President Trump often faced.  Lester Hall quite literally tore the ass of Joe Biden talking about his rhetoric like leading to the assassination attempt against Donald Trump Joe Cool lost his mojo as Biden look confused in days brought up the past items and statements that Joe Biden has said to dehumanize the Republican party in particularly Donald Trump. Joe Biden is a psychopath who cannot take criticism and accept his mistakes and his role for setting up a hostile politically divisive nation. From day one this troll of a president has been committed to dividing this country and playing the race card every chance he gets to placate to the extreme far left black supremacists and race obsessed Indvidual's within the evil Democrat Party. 

        The arrogant and pompous nasty 90-year-old fail president snapped at Lester Hall throughout this interview is this idiot couldn't deal with the criticisms and harsh questioning that he hid from in 2020 making very few public appearances hiding in his fucking basement. Slow Joe Biden snapped and Lester Holt angered that there's not more talk about the lies that Donald Trump said in the debate, which Biden was

manhandle and destroyed a month ago. However, what Joe Biden doesn't say is that he lied extremely more than Donald Trump in this debate and this idiot thinks the American people are stupid not to realize that we know Joe Biden is a habitual liar and he has been one throughout his political career. 

      Joe Biden is not qualified to be a Walmart reader let alone the most important job in this country and this puppet for China was preordained into this job from globalists who wants the weakest possible politician that they can easily control and tell what to do. Lester Holt press this old idiot about his rhetoric calling Trump a existential threat to our democracy and only last week a week before the assassination attempt old Joe said it was time to put Trump in the bullseye --which clearly is a violent and intended threat as Joe Biden is angered and a big supporter of the cult of abortion. 

     The main opposition and fear mongering against Donald Trump is centered on the Supreme Court and Trump's ability to overturn this destructive cult which by some accounts kills 50 million babies a year in a woman's womb. Joe Biden's commitment to this destructive savage Aztec type death cult is absolutely lunacy and Pure Evil....and pure evil is the best way to describe demented Joe Biden. We need to get this deranged old man out of the position of power before it is too late he's an absolute lunatic and a danger to our democracy. Joe Biden refused to take credit for his evil rhetoric against his political opponents and every time he was pressed by Lester Bolt about his rhetoric this demented 91-year-old horrible old illegitimate president kept bringing up Trump. This clearly shown his insanity and evil extreme hatred against the beloved former president Joe Biden made himself look so evil and stupid in this interview and clearly people will remember this interview and many other things come November when it's time to get this old slow Joe out of office

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