Too Apree stalks Sean Paul Reyes in his obsessed and in love with him

 Martin Manziel

   To Apree has once again successfully stalked his favorite First Amendment confrontator is to a Too Apree seeks to emulate the great Sean Paul Reyes. Too Apree-announced the Sean Paul Reyes is the king of First Amendment rights and wherever Sean Paul Reyes seems to go at times the YouTube prank are known as Tom McCree has been able to follow and get within his sight. Too Apree has such a crush on Sean Paul Reyes he wishes to be him and indeed Mr Apree followed Sean Paul Reyes and yet another government confrontation of whether first amendment and right to

videotape government buildings is indeed part of our constitution. To Apree followed Sean Paul Reyes to West Palm Beach, Florida which has a insane no filming law that needs to be overturned and Sean Paul Reyes is going to go to board meeting and confront the mayor. No doubt that Too Apree will be there and they will be arguing with these draconian laws that are straight out of Cuba and Joseph Mugabe's Zimbabwe. West Palm Beach can not deny people the First

Amendment right to film and the Long Island Auditor will go anywhere across this country to confront the insane local government laws that prejudice lawmakers make in order to trample on our constitution rights and troll them right before our eyes.

Lok for Tom Apree to be right there with the Long Island Auditor that he likely will also be at the next board meeting in West Palm Beach and together these two will crack the Knuckleheads of the local government

insisting that they are above the law. Apree and Reyes will confront these corrupt officials and tell them they cannot make laws that do not make sense and counter the constitution. The great meeting once again of two or three along with the Long Island auditor Mr Reyes is a tag team from hell and Mars that would be tough for the government to counter. Look for West Palm Beach to eventually before us to get sued into and these government laws against filming in government buildings libraries etc etc

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