Vince Dao loves that Joe Biden has burned down the Democrat Party is Vivik Ramasswammy predicts Kamala Harris will be replaced

         Sebastian Salvador

       Vince Dao praises dark Brandon in sticking it to Barack Obama with his sudden departure failed former President Joe Biden has put the Democratic party and Barack Obama in a tough situation you two podcaster install was gleeful as the Barack Hussain Obama wing of the democratic party does not like Kamala Harris nor do they want her in the position that she is. Joe Biden basically by leaving the presidential race that he was losing badly has screwed over the Democrats endorsing Kamala Harris and essentially the Democrats have given Kamala Harris full Reign for the 2024 campaign and this does not please former failed and disgruntled Barack Hussein. Vince Dao played a video of Vivik Ramasswammy making the prediction that many are saying that Barack Hussein Obama behind the

scenes is very displeased with a pick of Kamala Harris and he does not think she is winnable. The YouTube growing star known as Vince Stout utterly laid into the Democrat fascist party and he was quite actually glad that Joe Biden for once actually did something good and this is screw over the Democrat insiders and Obama klan. Dao played Vivik's  video appearance with Sean Hannitty was played by Vince Dao and Mr Ramasswammy was once again trolling and saying that Michelle Obama likely will

replace Kamala Harris. Whatever the case is Kamala Harris is indeed running scared she knows she can't run on Joe Biden's horrible record she knows she is a incompetent California US senator and a horrible politician. she knows that most of the country hates her and Kamala Harris fears actually staying in and being the Democratic primary and being a Walter Mondale

sacrificial lamb. Kamala Harris is scared and the Democrats need to get rid of her and have a more realistic and possible chance most likely with either a Gavin Newsom or Gretchen Whitmer type candidate. Vince

Dao says a Barack Obama was pulling the strings to get rid of Joe Biden and Barack Obama used Hollywood actor George Clooney to speak up in the press and get Joe Biden agree to step down with more pressure, however Biden threw in a last parting shot in the Wild Card when he endorsed Kamala Harris right away. This was not expected by Democrat insiders in according to sources and Brock Hussein Obama was so angered by this he kicked over a can bruising his big toe and a couple other toes kicking a garbage can

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