Don Lemon exposes in embarrasses a butter brain Jesse Jackson

        Jerry O' Leary

      If this may be the final curtain call for Jesse Jackson whose brain has become so butter he was not even asked to speak at this Democratic National Convention. Jesse Jackson has been the perpetual long time convention speaker and propaganda for the Democratic party. but it is later years his brain has been scrambled eggs unable to comprehend where he is and what he is the fact that we had a demented Jesse Jackson still coming to the convention. It was an utter disgrace as this man should be in the rest home for his final days. Make no

mistake, Jesse Jackson likely will not make it in 4 years and survive and the final curtain call Jesse Jackson looking confused crazed and dumb was seen throughout this week in this convention and if this wasn't bad enough the Lemonhead Don Lemon went and put one further dagger into the legacy of Jesse Jackson by doing Tik Tok video where Jesse Jackson obviously look like he needed his diapers change and did not know where he was. 

    Whether Don Lemon indeed helped out with the diapers of Jesse Jackson and help explain the dementia of this man likely was not answered in this Tik Tok video what was the answer was that Don Lemon utterly exposed the cognitive, moral, and mental decline of this one-time charismatic and outspoken nefarious race hustler. Jesse

Jackson has been all that is wrong with the deranged modern day Democratic party and he has pushed the direction of the racial identity obsession of the modern Democrat Party and it's complete failure in modern times. Don Lemon is a byproduct of Jesse Jackson's weird race-obsessed religion that has been a major part of the Democrat Party and it's ability to get radical black supremacists to elect extreme candidates in blue cities and blue states. Don Lemon did a tik tok video where basically he embarrassed Jesse Jackson and the family showing the demented and confused cognitively destroyed brain of Mr Jesse

Jackson. Why Don Lemon thought this would be a cute and uplifting video is not known, but clearly Jesse Jackson is out of it and the fact that this man's brain has become mashed potatoes and did not really need to be exposed in such a national social media platform. Don Lemon without a doubt is a scumbag and a gay one to boot

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