James Howard Kuntsler has Russian propagandist Dimitri Orlov to lie about the situation with Ukraine war bash America

 Denny Watson

    The disgusting writer and Russian Professor known as Dimitri Orlov is a propagandist for Vladimir Putin and a asset and an agent for Mother Russia. With this in mind James Howard Kuntsler recently had Dimitri Orlov to come on his show and totally lie and propagandize about the power of Russia and how the United States and the West have caused this Ukrainian War Howard Consular allowed this weird pro-Russian propagandist in speaker Dimitri Orlov to save some of the most ridiculous things on his podcast and this was before the great Ukrainian offensive and invasion into Russia itself Demetri Orlov lies and is in complete denial of the Russian minutes which has been on its neighbors as Dimitri Orlov said that the territories that Vladimir Putin has reincorporated were territories I should never have been taken away from Russia and given to Ukraine. Dmitri Orlov is a psychopath who loves the

dictatorship of Vladimir Putin and quite literally he blew kisses and wishes of cock blowing towards Putin in this interview not criticizing the authoritarian brutality of the mafia state that  Vladimir Putin has enforced on Russia.  Instead this bastard Orlov was able to speak unchallenged by a weak and humbled James Howard Kuntsler and his podcast and JHK allowed this Ruskie to lie about our country and its weapons development and power. James Howard also allowed this Dmitri lunatic to lie in everything from the progress of the war to the situation along the Finish border. Dimitri Orloff says the Finns have been the aggressors in the past which is total bullshit and dipshit Orlov is ignorant of history of how the Russian aggression into Finland was heroically fought back by the fins for months during

World War II against insurmountable odds. This fuck head Dmitri Orlov whom James Kuntsler Howards seemed eager to please allow him full access to do Russian propaganda on his little listened podcast and Dmitri Dorkov blames the West for separating Finnish investment and business with Russia and he blames the West and the United States for trying to destroy the Russian state in their attempts with this Ukrainian war and expansion of NATO. Were really disappointed about this interview was that James Howard Kuntsler utterly failed did not challenge the crazy lies that were being pushed by this Russian monster Dmitri Orlov, who is a lying psychopath and dismisses the brutal Russian Bear and the crimes and incursions of Russia unto other territory that no longer belongs to Russia in the region. This silly bastard Dmitri Orlov says that Ukraine eventually will become a region that no longer exists, and the people will be forced to become Russians as this man quite literally seem to endorse and push for ethnic cleansing of the area. This mad Russian sycophant for the brutal animal dictator that is Vladamir Putin  told Howard James that he thinks all of Ukraine will come under the Russian Empire no matter how much money the West spends and wastes in trying to fight the Russians. Orlov hopes and says he sees a day Ukraine ethnic identity and nation is swallowed up by its neighbors whom this troll says has more

historical ties and claims to the lands against these fake" Ukrainians whom Dmitri Orlov says are Russians making the comparison of early Kentuckians and Tennesseans claiming to be another people and not Americans following the expansion west and impendence from Britain in 1776. James Howard Kuntsler is a disgrace for allowing Dmitri Orlov in this unchallenged interview that was basically these two idiots making excuses for Russia and trying to blame the West for the Russian and Putin Wars that have occurred since 2004. This interview that James Howard did with Dimitri Orlolv was pure Russian propaganda of the most bitter extreme ever seen on-line and how much money Vladamir  Putin shoved into the pockets of James Howard Kunt to do this hit a piece against his own country and basically below the beltway blow the cock performance for Vladamir Putin should be eventually leaked and exposed.

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