Joel Hansen and Beard Meets Food Rob Moran make a mockery in a world of hunger with their obsessive overeating talents and desire to express it on YouTube

   Armando Arturo

     Two of the three biggest land and lame food contestants and food challenge names has to be Joel Hansen and a English dude named Rob Morin, otherwise known as Beard Meets Food. They along with the Third King of the food challenges known as Notorious Bob have no problem of overeating food and eating so much food enough to feed a whole family for a week in one sitting. These two disgusting overeaters Joel Hansen and Beard Meet Food just have been putting out video after video and quite literally these silly bastards must have three of these food challenges a week which cannot be good for their gut. Joel Hansen and Beard Meets Food  (We will leave Notorious Bob out for this)  just cannot stop doing videos and the amount of food that they eat in one sitting is utterly

reprehensible especially when one considers the hundreds and hundreds of millions of people who go hunger throughout the world. Joel Hansen and Rob Moran of Beard Meets Food somehow get funding for their incredulous overeating YouTube channels we're quite literally these fuckers will have like 20 full plates of food in one sitting and then film it and post videos of it on YouTube as if they have some talent. 

     The talents of gorging oneself and living a life of gluttony is nothing to be proud of, yet both this waxed eyebrow weird earlobe Joel Hansen in this guy who never takes a shave and looks like he's straight out of his 7th

century Irish Monk remote island. Joel and Beard Meets Food eats so much food and they are very proud of it wasting it down their guts and shitting for days afterwards. These two along  with Notorious Bob make a mockery of eating and the amount of food challenges these three enter and overeat themselves quite literally is reprehensible, especially given the fact that so many people cannot afford a basic good meal for a day. Joel Hansen in particular is an arrogant weird neurotic homosexual-acting jackass who often gets up and does this little buss ass dance when he is actually starting to get full to help him win the challenge. He actually does a little anal butt dance where it looks like he's getting

fucked in the ass and whether he learned this from a friend of his who suggested it during one of their meetings is not known. Meanwhile Rob Moran and his weird international funding for his trips is bizarre and how the guy gets so much money to travel like every week to different country just to eat and not have a regular job seems like a scam and investigation into the funding of his YouTube channel should be processed and begin. as far as the mid 50s notorious Bob, a guy this age eating so much food cannot be healthy and it's sooner or later this fat head with no hair is going to have a heart attack grill somewhere. We

can't picture Notorious Bob continuing his massive gorging as he gets older and older and likely his immune system and his gut cells cannot take much more of the abuse that he puts his body into with the amount of food he eats for his YouTube channel. All three of these clowns are stooges of overeating and should look at themselves in the disgrace form for overeating in a world where there is massive hunger

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