Marjorie Taylor Green goes nuclear on Kamala Harris and her media

      Benjaman Edmond

      Majorie Taylor Green was the highlight of the Atlanta Trump rally the other night the Georgia-based congresswoman has been a hero and often vocal critic of the far left and globalist Democrats with her ability to troll and anger far left podcasters and propagandists on the internet. Marjorie might be the most hated Republican by the crazed and psychotic political left in this country. Margie Taylor Green spoke before Donald Trump in Atlanta and quite literally leveled the huge, packed stadium and she summoned the justice against failed and

guerrilla like politician known as Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris is for abortion up to birth and there has been perhaps no worse pro baby killer of a politician than this scumbag Kamala Harris. MTG was at her best and this woman has been delivering incredible work standing up to communist such as Jamal Bowman through the years and the negativity provided by the Democrat Party media needs to be countered a huge support needs to be provided for this great woman. Marjorie Taylor green gave one of the most

 nuclear speeches attacking Kamala Harris and her radical crazed Kalifornia policies. Marjorie Taylor Green mentioned the importance of getting Georgians who are conservatives and Republicans out to vote and in this incredible rally.  Taylor Green was one of the many great speakers before great former and President Donald Trump in this huge trump indoor rally in the heart of extreme democrat election thieving territory.
           Marjorie Taylor mentioned to the

crowd that essentially Kamala Harris is an extension of failed Biden once again the Republicans need to keep mentioning Joe Biden as they are one in the same in policy and agenda. The Republicans need to attach Joe Biden as much as they can to Kamala Harris and essentially, they are 100% correctly doing so as Kamala Harris likely drove much of the insane lunatic policies that we see from with soon to be former failed President Joe Biden.  Taylor Green mentioned the failed border czar that is

running for president and Adidas appears at Kamala Harris and a Democrats purposely are allowing as many third world people from Latin America into this country as possible in an invasion pure and simple. The fourth branch of the government in the

media was attac ked as well as Marjourie stated Kamala Harris and the rebranding of her is done by this wicked media which can best be called and described as pro-Democratic party media. Marjorie Taylor Green made mention how this Democrat media that manipulate and cheerlead for the Democratic Party and in essence all four of the major news networks outside of FOX can be described as Democrat Party extreme media

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