More calls for Jerry Reinstorf to sell the Chicago White Sox after 21st straight loss in a disastrous season

 Leo Yost

   The nightmare season for the Chicago White Sox in their failed geriatric very old owner Jerry Reinstorf continues. This horrible billionaire owner of both the Chicago White Sox and the Chicago Bulls refuses to relinquish ownership of one of the sports teams that he absolutely does not care about. Jerry Reinsdorf is this very wealthy and extreme Jewish owner of the Chicago White Sox that could care less if the teams ever successful. Some have suggested in his later butter brain years Jerry Reinsdorf indeed wants to have the worst team possible to stick it to the fans of Chicago who have disrespected him in his crazy and unhinged mind. Jerry Reinstorf is one of the worst Sports owners in the history of

professional sports and it is utterly reprehensible that this man not only owns one professional major team in the city of Chicago but two as well.  In the post Michael Jordan years the Chicago Bulls have been disastrous with the Bulls making very few playoff appearances in 30 years. Likewise the Chicago White Sox have been a terrible team since the early 2000's and might be the worst organization in professional sports run by a maniac ego testicle nasty old man that is Jerry Reinstorf.

      Many fans have adopted to wearing a sack over their head unable and unwilling to be identified, much like Palestinian Pro-Hamas protesters in the United States. Massive new calls are being made throughout Chicago sports fans for Jerry Reinsdorf to let the Chicago White Sox go and for him to sell the team to an owner who would put much more money, investment, and interest in providing a winning formula and a team. However, the arrogance of this eighty something year old nasty old man is very

evident as a man does not want to spend money or time over this team and enjoys indeed frolics in the pathetic very bad play of the Chicago White Sox. Major League Baseball meet may need to step in and remove Jerry Reinsdorf and take his ownership away as this man has proven he's unwilling to field a competitive team and it's not interested in in it basically wants other business deals involved with the professional team and the stadium then the actual product and play on the field. There is perhaps no worse in pathetic owner than failed and horrible billionaire owner Jerry Seinfeld and he needs to be forced to sell the team.

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