Nicholas Maduro goes loco challenges Elon Musk to fight as Venezuela is on the brink of a civil war

   Ramon Ramos

      The disgusting socialist and communist Pig of a dictator and leader of Venezuela Nicholas Maduro has challenged Elon Musk to a fight. This comes after massive protest of people in Caracas coming out and protesting the election rigging as a true audit of the election shows that Nicholas Maduro lost to his opponents who had 60% of the votes to this migra Maduro's 33% .Nicholas Maduro is a mad dog dictator unpopular ugly dipshit who should not be in power and the coming potential powder keg of Venezuela until a full scale Civil War on par with Ukraine might actually come out. We have long

predicted they be a Venezuelan War to oust the Socialist Communist La Migra pigo that is Nicholas Maduro who is an illegitimate and election rigging thief of a president on par with failed former

president Joe Biden. In actuality the United States should of invaded and replaced Maduro within the weeks after Russia first invaded Ukraine and we need ..I want Venezuela and we should annex this country and take its resources. 

     Nicholas Maduro cannot get elected in a free and fair election and this is why this son of a bitch jackass El Migra Pig cochino has once again attempted to steal the election Venezuela society is on the brink and the potential Civil War may start very soon this time around as the people of Caracas need to rise up and overthrow Maduro or form their own country away from the Socialist tyranny of Maduro

and the Hugo Chavez legacy. A new country within Venezuela borders of freedom loving patriots who love liberty and in pursuit of capitalism. Nicholas Maduro is a scumbag and his challenge of evil to Elon Musk shows the psychosis nature of the psychotic path. Elon Musk accepted the fight after calling out Nicholas Maduro saying that he's a gutless coward who should step down and resign after another obvious rig election. This so angered Maduro that the psychotic dictator came on national TV and attacked Elon Musk calling him his arch enemy and enemy to the Socialist movement of

Venezuela that is undemocratic and election rigging.  Nicholas Maduro event challenge Elon Musk to a fight which  Musk accept it on the basis that if Maduro loses he resign in disgrace as the illegitimate leader of

Venezuela. Maduro is indeed a scumbag a former bus driver who these communist scumbag Hugo Chavez decided was deserving of leadership wanting a week leader to continue the traditional socialism and communism to rise in this one time most stable and capitalist country in South America Nicholas Maduro is a communist Pig and everything must be done including a full scale American Invasion and

intervention to overthrow this undemocratic monster dictator and to allow Freedom once again and free and fair and honest elections and democracy to flow into this country Nicholas Medrol then should be charged with war crimes in his attack on the Democracy of Venezuela and perhaps he should be executed following this us intervention and regime change Nicholas Madro after that you can go to hell

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