The great one Mark Levin torches jewelry demands that MSNBC fire her black ass

        Arnold Armstrong

   Nationally syndicated talk show host and Blaze TVs Mark Levin has joined the latest chorus of demanding that MSNBC Race network fire the racist known as Joy Reid. This repulsive nappy headed horrible and propagandist racist Joy Reid is perhaps the most reprehensible national news anchor ever imagined. Joy Reid continues to spread fear lies and hate on MSNBC and this has been a trademark of this network in the Joy Reid era and many are questioning why the executives of MSNBC would employ such a black supremacist who's obviously

disgusting and sick individual. The question of why MSNBC would want Joy to be the ugly face of their networking as the Comcast owned network is hitting all-time lows and ratings. Radio talk show host Mark Levin called Joy Reid a disgusting and radical hate anti-semitic woman and he has called for people to contact Comcast in to get this utterly deranged Trump Derange Syndrome broadcaster off the air. Joy Reid is quite literally a lunatic and by the week she is getting worse and worse when one cannot even imagine how bad this woman has already regressed in network news media. 

      Joy Reid somehow keeps surviving in MSNBC executives likely prefer to have such a racist and troll such this story teller Joy Fake on the news network but even she is not untouchable as Mark Levin said people need to contact Comcast and demand that they advertisers will be boycotted and pressured if Comcast does not fire  this radical racist black bitch known as Joy Reid. Mark Levin told his listeners that he is tired of seeing this woman and hearing her pathetic lies and obvious racism against

Donald Trump as he is amazed this woman does not even hide her racism and is so open about it. The double standard and hypocrisy Mark Lemon noted is another remarkable feat of MSNBC keeping this hate filled dumb and ugly woman in a major prime time news anchor position at their fledgling network to preach to America and tell black people they had to vote like and think like she does. Joy Reid should have been fired years ago and again people need to contact Comcast and their advertisers and put a full court pressure in demands that they fire this particular and sick individual known as Joy Reid for her extreme racism hate and division that is a trademark of her broadcast.  Joy Reid offers the viewer absolutely nothing except more racial preaching and racial accusations where it is not warranted and the incredible racism of black supremacist Joy Reid and double standard of her open and wanton racism un punished as it would a white individual saying the same things about black America. Mark Levin has called for MSNBC to fire Joy Reid who again is perhaps the most repulsive and disgusting individual ever to be on television airways in the news format.

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