Uncle Roger devastates Chef David Chang's video of fried rice and complains of all the movement and showcasing of Cheng's ugly face

 Dave Berkson

    The amazing Malaysian comedian and Food review critic Roger Ng of Uncle Roger played a video of Chef David Cheng. David Chang was cooking some fried rice which the Malaysian Uncle Roger was looking forward to viewing however, the video though was a mishimash of crazy camera work zooming in and outs and not focusing not on the food and cooking methods of

David Cheng, but of David Cheng's hands and expensive watch. The focus of this cooking video on the chefs was reprehensible and   the camera work of this video made Uncle Roger sick and throughout his reaction video watching David Cheng cook fried rice. Uncle Roger was annoyed

and aggravated with a terrible camera work Uncle Roger quite literally leveled this chef whom technique Roger mocked and thought were ridiculous often Uncle Roger cannot believe that this video had such a shaky camera work and Roger got annoyed and felt dizzy watching David Cheng 12 minute video. Uncle Roger pleaded for David Cheng to fire his camera guy is the constant zooming in and out and ignoring the food made this one of the most frustrating and ridiculous food videos that Uncle Roger ever had to review.

     Uncle Roger cannot believe that when he was finally done the cameraman only zoomed on the food in the final product for a few seconds and then once again cut away to David Cheng's ugly face for him to make comments but how great his cooking is and how many times his mama ate rice and

cooked rice. The garbage glop food and result of Cheng's fried rice glop was not even shown much in this video and Uncle Roger could not believe that Cheng did not even eat and try the food he was so intently cooking and doing a shaky video and crazy zoomer obsessed camera man a d weak production work. The Uncle one blasted the food and

filming technique of this video and then was angry that David Cheng told the critics like Uncle Roger to shut up which Roger took it as a offensive remark and the Malaysian food critic and successful stand up comedian and reminded this Cheng big time chef that Roger is there to review and give authenticity to the food as Uncle Roger views and will attack anyone pretending to cook authentic Asian food and obvious changes

and crazy mistakes made by these pompous jackass Big Time celebrity chefs like Mr David Chang and Jamie Oliver. Whether they like it or not Uncle Roger's going to continue to critique these big time chefs and their silly extravagant odd videos that they post on the internet and when it comes to food the orange shirted Uncle Roger knows what is appropriate and the proper technique in all way and he would not become such a big time YouTuber if he did not.

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