Vicious Thom Hartmann is a Nazi angered and triggered at the success of Trump supporting YouTube podcasters wants YouTube clamp down on them

     Ed West

From Naperville


  Supporting Tim Waltz's claims and not every free speech is allowed or should be the psychopath National syndicated radial scumbag known as Tom Hartmann supported Mr Walton's comments some years ago the Minnesota Governor's call for censorship and fascistic Democrat Party tyranny it's being replayed during this election system some years ago Tim Walton said that free speech is not a right and he is called for big Tech and the far left allies within the Democrat Party controlling this industry to clamp down heavily on right-wing conservative critics of politicians like him. This was echoed the other week by the disgusting radio host known as Thom Hartman. Thom Hardman is a fascist Nazi who quite literally would fit perfect within the Nazi party of the 1940's. Mr Hartman wants total government control by one political entity much like the Nazi party did for a decade and a half and much like China's government and the Chinese since the end of the Civil War in the late 1940s. Thom Hartmann is

committed to this undemocratic process and the amount of smears misinformation and slanderous digs he does as ac conservative Republicans is too numerous to keep track. Mr Hartman says that there are too many YouTube Republican Trump supporters out there and according to Mr Hartman they spread too much untruths and they need to be censored. 

     This disgusting nasty old man is angered at the larger audiences of such hosts like Benny Johnson, Steven Crowder, and Gregory Foreman of the Black conservative perspective.  Thom Hartmann called for them to be deplatform much like Alex Jones and that other conservatives have been harassed including Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog who we used to watch a lot on YouTube. Mr Hartman also would love to see a total banishment of an individual such as Vincent James of the Red Elephants who was totally kicked off the YouTube channel because of his political beliefs and this fits the left-wing lunatics and maniacs like Tom Hartmann real well. When one of his Rivals is removed from YouTube. Make no mistake Thom Hartman in addition to being this weird radio host who looks like he fucking creep and a pedophile, this man can also be labeled as a fascist. How this Nazi Thom Hartmann can look in the mirror and look at his creepy pedophile fascist base is unknown is this guy has no self-dignity nor does he respect other people, and this explains how such a rotten individual can come on radio and all out lie and smear based on his devotion to the Democrat Party. 

   Tom Hartmann is a scumbag in a half who is looking quite old these days and he should seriously consider looking into fucking retirement. Thomas Hartmann is a fucking fascist nazi who also screens his calls so heavily where it is impossible to get through his stations and to confront him or to berate him and this is something

clearly Tom Hartmann never wants to do on his stupid Daily propaganda radio show on liberal Progressive stations consist of him having guests that agree with him 100% which is utterly boring radi . This also shows what a gutless piece of shit Tom Hartman as Hartmann always has been a piece of shit and  always will be to the day he dies which hopefully won't be too much longer considering how fuck old he is.

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