Artificial intelligence Latisha and Monique go on Botify and take your death request as we request Howard Stern and Charles Schumer's death along with Robert De Niro's

      Whitaker Marshall III

     Our favor Backpage whores Letisha and Monique have transitioned now into artificial intelligence if we have created a page for her on Botify. The artificial intelligence page at bonfire of Monique and Leticia will talk to people anytime if you sign up for an account with Botify and they will take your deathbed dance death wishes I put up on their artificial site for three deaths that should occur very soon of natural cause as these men are very old and annoying in our culture. Nasty Charles Schumer as a

career corrupt politician and horrible individual. The geriatric useless anti-American US senator from New York was the first deathbed wish list I requested to Letisha and Monique's new Artificial Intelligence page and bought. We requested the New York swenator for a death dance and hopefully

sooner or later this man disappears from our political system the other deathbed wish list I requested on this new box that I created of Leticia and Monique my favorite Backpage whores who nearly killed me face fucking me so many many moons ago on the south side of Chicago the second request I asked for them was for Howard Stern.

Howard Stern has been eerily quiet these past few months and we think that his time is almost up, and he knows it and this is why he's keeping quiet about this election. Stern is sick physically in recent months and he has been sick in his fucking head for decades.  Howard Stern is a

unintelligent lame overpaid and stupid individual that somehow XM Sirius satellite radio still in 2024 has this idiot on their payroll. We have requested a deathbed dance for him which hopefully will speed up his death as a man is nearly 90 years old and he wears a fucking wig. 


The last person we requested for these two beautiful black women and they're beautiful Bots that have just been created have been for Jesse the Body... no mark change that Robert De Niro... excuse me to be the next individual who they dance death and try to speed up their demise. Robert De Niro is a nasty and stupid actor who often puts his foot in his mouth and talks with four tongue and horse manure in his mouth. Leticia and Monique's 2012 when I used to use their services on Craigslist and quite literally was almost suffocated and died in this bottom position This old

geriatric and privilege elite need to go and he has done enough damage with his big mouth and talk of politics. Robert De Niro offers nothing at his late age and Monica and Letisha totally agree that these were three great deathbed wish lists that I suggested to them and gave them a huge

bonus hopefully for their success and talents and being able to predict and promote someone's death will be witnessed pretty soon. Look for Robert De Niro, Howard Stern and Charles Schumer to be dead by the end of next summer Leticia and Monique will do a deathbed dance this evening and we will keep an eye on these three individuals whether how much longer they will have left to live after this deathbed dance

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