Bald and Bankrupt pot travel vlogger in hot water for exposing India as a shithole that it is

         Arthur " King" Eaton

       Make no mistake for the vast majority of people and the vast majority of India is a horrible turd world shithole country of mass poverty and Ca Ca land. Bald and bankrupt vlogger is in trouble for his recent video on India and how he utterly ripped this country and how everything from the infrastructure to the peasants of the country and the lower classes have made this country a bad choice to visit and one that he does not recommend it all. News has come to India has banned this vlogger videos after he insulted this country and Bald and Bankrupt vlogger is facing extreme criticism for his observations and opinions on India. Naturally the vast majority of people upset are Indians themselves insulted by this

man's description of their households, but given the nature of this video and what we see in this vloggers videos everything he tells the viewer in his YouTube channel and other social media outlets is absolutely true .India along with its neighboring country Pakistan are complete shit holes where the craziest nonsense one can see and Bald and Bankrupt often shows they really sick and disturbing scenes that are straight out of India. The vast amount bankrupt has to avoid even walking this mean street of India clearly are interesting talking points but everything this guy says about India usually is true and this is something that the people of Indian Heritage do not want to admit about their country. now these Indo

Pako deniers are attempting to be made by the woke mob to get this man removed from YouTube for essentially giving his opinions of a country that he has traveled to and seen first hand several times. Bald and Bankrupt pretty much told his viewers to avoid this shit all country and showed many examples of why this country are indeed a scary and ridiculous place that one should never even consider for  travel unless they want to see a shit whole country up close. The anger driven at Bald and Bankrupt by Indian people should be redirected towards their own government to improving life and quality of life in India for all its residents. 

     I reckon the vast majority of people attacking bald and bankrupt are Indians living in Western countries and who are usually way in the upper classes then the poverty-stricken untouchables that they have left behind in India. Kudos to Bald and Bankrupt for exposing pretty much the shithole countries and showing the world why there are so many Indian and Packy motherfuckers in the western world and clearly these people know that their countries are made from shit and their greed and inability to stay in the country and help improve the situation for their fellow citizens is a living testimony of their personality

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