Dr Z unloads for two straight months on direct attacks and lies on Donald Trump

Dick May

     Calling Donald Trump a existential threat to this country and a potential Nazi the planet of the ape late night television host Dr Zarioius otherwise known as Dr Z utterly went off on the former president. Dr Z made fun of how popular Donald Trump is as he is so popular he keeps getting assassinated attempts and Dr Z kept it real with his usual take and destructive nature on his growing late night television show. Dr Z says that the CDC needs to bring about some sort of monkeypox disease in order to stop Donald Trump and he is indeed worried about the Democratic party losing to this Adolf Hitler clone. Doctor Z said that everything must be done to stop Donald Trump and just ranting and ranting on late night television is not enough. For the past two months Dr Z introduces a guest and the first question he asks

whether they are voting for this orange monkey known as Donald trump and if they said yes he cuts their feed and cancels the interview.  Dr Z says he's going to get very political, and he told his listeners that he is going around on the corporate networks to utterly bash Donald Trump for the next 50 days on weekend Sunday shows and the other late night television show. Dr Zarious of the Planet Of The Apes fame gets heavy criticism for his extreme bias partisan slant on his show with many of his critics calling him pure propaganda for the Democratic Party. Dr Z says this is bananas and that he's sees and says what is straight on and Donald Trump quite

literally said that he wanted to be a dictator. In addition Dr Z went on about the bloodbath warning and that there should be a wake-up call for all Americans to resist MAGA and to get behind Kamala Harris or a Gavin  Newsome if he is indeed picked to replace her Dr C says Donald Trump will push us towards World War 3 and the late-night Planet of the Apes veteran is angered whenever Mr Trump says that it is

indeed the Democrat Party that is pushing us towards a World War 3 Z scenario between Russia China and the United States should this Maniac get elected president and for the past 2 months Doctor Z has had his entire monologue be about Mr Trump bashing him at every opportunity as he can get Dr C hates everything about Donald Trump and he will continue to be a thorn and a monkey wrench on the former president's side working hard with the Democratic party and using his key role in the media to work Magic of the mic and television in his role as a late night television entertainer for the Democrat Party.

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