Streamers unites in the resistant and hatred for Doctor Disrespect in his return

Jacoby Genevese

       Streamers unite in the resistant and hatred for Doctor Disrespect in his return Dr Dr Disrespect Guy Beame is bringing up hate from fellow streamers who are disgusted by the fact that this seventies era porn mustache looking weirdo has returned to the internet. Doctor disrespect is this dude named Herschel "Guy" Beahm who got in trouble for sending inappropriate texts messages to minors and somehow despite this and being canceled and taken off the internet for some months the doctor disrespect Guy Beahm his return the disrespectful one is besides his brain as the amount of hate that fellow and one time respectful

streamers are putting out towards him and his return is unbelievable Nick Mercs is one another streamer named Dr Lupo says it's brain damaging and unbelievable that doctor Disrespect is being allowed back onto twitch and the inappropriate sexually nature and texting that doctor Disrespects sent to a 16 year old or utterly repulsive talk to an underage girl. Mercs says this jerk Guy Beahm was a married man in his late 30s texting sexual activity and suggestions to a teenager and that alone is deserving for him to be banned forever together on Twitch and other streaming devices xQc is another streamer that bash the shit out of doctor disrespect and said that no platform that can be taken serious would allow this 70's porno wig

wearing silly jackass known as Guy bream allow back on their platform XQC called Dr Disrespect weird and that this man has lost all respect in the streaming video game platform and he should go away and get a job a real job in freaking or Construction. The streamers are all out and enforce united against the fact that fellow streamer and disgusting troll Dr Disrespect is returning to the internet and has been gaming for a week or two the idea that this guy got away with trying to meet up with underage kids and

uses celebrity status in the internet video gaming industry is utterly reprehensible and typical of the era we find ourselves in with big Tech. I put this full blame on Big Tech as this corrupt and sick left-wing industry allows the most perverse and deranged ratchet individuals to get the publicity and notoriety whether it be music or gaming. Dr Disrespect has lied out of his stupid ass saying that the individual was 17 years old and isn't a minor and he is defended his willingness to meet up with the youngster as he and

his wife have an open relationship. It is open especially for younger people to join in Doctor Disrespect is a sick dude who should not be on the internet and the fact that many people are promoting him as a gaming phenomenon, and some is suggested that he might replace Howard Stern on XM Satellite Radio is both shocking and appalling.

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