Fire Elie Mystal....Buckwheat black supremacist Elie Mystal anger and Scott Jennings embarrassing her

     Trevor Travis

   The disgusting buckwheat looking propaganda is known as Elie Mystal is a MSNBC regular spread some of the most file and despicable race-based propaganda known to mankind. The white-haired ugly fat man had to share a studio with a Trump supporter and they went back and forth during an argument of panel on the MSNBC race show. The rhetoric coming from the far-left and people like Elie Mystal explains why there are so many assassination attempts and quite literally this madman black supremacist fuck we looking here Elie Mystal should be arrested for inflaming hatred against a former president. Make no mistake, Ellie Mystal is a propagandist and a extremist who presents the existential threat to those on the political spectrum that he is not on board with. Elie Mystal uses his platform as MSNBC to spread some of the most vile and despicable misinformation and smears primarily against Donald Trump and other Republicans and this fat man with an ugly evil batman villain looking vile fucker should be fired from MSNBC.  

      Many people cannot comprehend why MSNBC has this fuck head buckwheat daddie on their network who brings nada to discussion except more race division and hatred. Mystla is a silly scum propagandist and a stinker and he looks like a jackass and how this guy has maintained a presence on MSNBC quite literally is shocking and appalling. It was good to see him back up in the corner and having to present defense for the political rhetoric of extremist like himself while he put blame on the Republicans and Donald Trump's rhetoric however for this shit head no Democrat politician is being harassed or make no mistake Elie Mystal wants Trump assassinated and this is why he spreads such vile lies and bad information negativity obsessed compulsion. 

Quite literally, Elie Mystal lies of his ass when he over blows the rhetoric coming from the Republicans especially when one compares it from a scum like him and other Democrats who keep calling Donald Trump akin to Adolf Hitler and a threat to democracy. Scott Jennings and fathead Mystal got into it with Jennings calling out the extremism of Elie Mystal and how this scoundrel asshole plays a part in causing all of these Donald trump assassinations. Fathead Elie lies out of his black ass and Mystal should not be on MSNBC and this fat Buckwheat looking jackass should be silence and canceled. There's no reason for him to be on any news network as the man is clearly a black supremacist and a racist. Make no mistake, Elie Mystal is a national embarrassment, this man is a monster, and he's a propagandist of the extreme form for the Democratic Party.  This silly jackass is a Fathead and a clown all mixed into one we are calling for MSNBC to fire this fat son of a bitch with white hair up in his head like buckwheat

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