Land Cruising Midwest goes uncover in Wilmette, Illinois hunting for migrants and corrupt liberals in Mercedes /BMW land and those who support morbidly obese Governor JB Pigtzker

   Aaron Zappe

     Land cruising Midwest is this quaky old dude on YouTube making hilarious cracks and laughter. The Cruiser Midwest YouTuber makes funny noises with gadgets and clearly this man has always had the dream and fantasy of being a radio shock jock host. With this in mind the Republican Trump supporter went to the home of wealthy woke far left radicals in Illinois as he walked around Wilmette and was looking for Democrats the Land Cruiser Midwest guy showed all the BMWs, Teslas,  Mercedes in expensive cars that exist in the land of Pritzker and the ability of the Democrat Party to bring about support of these plutocrats and wealthy autocrats in Illinois many of whom come from other lands and stands cannot be lost in translation. Land Cruiser Midwest says the North Shore of Chicago is Ground Zero for the far-left crazed Democrat domination that the rest of the Land of Lincoln has seen itself under the tutelage of this fat psychopath JB Pritzker and global and big tech money. Land Cruiser Midwest bashed the multi-billionaire fat and morbidly disgusting Illinois governor and his recent Democrat speech and him calling Donald Trump a loser. The name calling that this fat head Illinois governor often does

against the former and soon to be president again Donald Trump is beneath the dignity of the office of governor and this fat 360 pound 1930's era looking gangster has disgrace the governor's mansion. Land Cruiser Midwest cannot find JB pritzker in downtown Wilmette but he saw many

wealthy people in this very liberal town and he reckons it because being Democrat has been so good to their financial Pockets this is why they support such an obvious and corrupt political party and Mr pritzker. Land Cruiser Midwest also knows that there were no migrants in and around Wilmette and that it was a very homogeneous and very white town unlike much of the rest of the state of Illinois. Perhaps the people's wealth enables them to live in such segregation and no diversity and that suits them fine according to Midwest Cruiser

     The people who love Jamie Pritzker as Land Cruiser Midwest walked around R&D people with money in Wilmette, Kenilworth, Northbrook, Highland Park in other extremely bogus high-income areas in the state of Illinois where these corporate executives and privilege class makes way too much money and have too much wealth. JB Pritzker is without a doubt a corrupt and sick individual and Land Cruiser Midwest walked and went into the lions den of the people who often back this pig Hyatt heiress . These liberal lunatics are pretty much the same types of psychopaths that is this morbidly obese Illinois governor. 

     Land Cruiser Midwest could not find JB Pritzker or any other people wearing Kamala Harris hats as he walked around Wilmette and he still pondering how one little area of Chicago and the Suburban and Cook County area has such stringent control of state politics and clearly the role of money and much of an international coming from Mexico, Canada, and Europe are a part of the problem why the state of Illinois and the

Land of Lincoln have only a one-party state rule and a very bad one at that. The rich fuckers who support JB Pritzker in Kenilworth, Wilmette, and Winnetka are the same kind of high-income bastards who have used their money to basically take over government and make themselves richer at the expense of others Land Cruiser Midwest has a very small audience of 1,000 subscribers and he is another self-absorbed self-obsessed car show addict and narcissist who loves to watch videos of himself watching other videos of watching himself and watching other videos of watching himself Etc

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