No Country For Old Rock Singers Jane's Addiction singer Perry Farrel goes loco attacks guitarist

 Chung Young

     There are so many old bands desperate for the attention and the money that they continue to perform well past their late stage in life. I have often ranted about this and am perplexed at how these old bands keep performing as old like and performers such as Eddie Vedder and the Rolling Stones who are clearly passed their time. These men are bad for Rock and Roll and rock music in

general as it doesn't allow the newer youth music to explode and to capture the youth listening audience that they so desperately need and is being lost to shit music like hip hop and Tejano music. With this in mind, Jane's Addiction and they're crazed singer Perry Ferrell was performing in a small Club when the meth and Drug doubts

rocker went to local and started attacking his guitarist the shocking display of arrogance and old reaction to bad drugs interrupted this small performance by Jane's Addiction who by all means everyone except for the guitarist David Navarro should be retired. Perhaps it is that Navarro is still talented and popular is the huge star with his rockability that made the raspy singer 60-year-old Perry Ferell attack him for no

reason. Unless old rockers are actually playing the guitar great .... a real real mean guitar... they have no business on stage and quite frankly these old rockers still performing are hurting Rock N Roll music and they may not even have a clue or care rock music needs performers at their top level in their twenties.

               Young rockers are not getting the limelight because of old troll and broken rockers and singers like this clown and newer bands need these performances and attention. Instead what we get are these desperate old men who were in their Prime 30 years ago who are still a main eventing many of these corrupt concerts throughout this country whose arrogant fans still want to see them and their old raspy voices and not newer music and spend the money for performers in their twenties. This old rock arrogance is destroying the genre it has no new stars are being created while these geriatric silly bastards like Green Day, Smashing Pumpkins, and the Rolling Stones keep playing and making all that headlines

peripheral is insane in the membrane and likely was doing hardcore drugs and his performance was embarrassing as was a fact that Jane's Addiction is still performing There Is No Country For Old Rock men in unless they have real musical guitar Talent they have no business main eventing or being in a large concert or Festival performance the fact that Billy Joel Armstrong and disgusting Green Day are still performing and being able to use their bad music and gay band to perform political rants and Raves is a  whole another topic and could be a clue to why these old primarily liberal bands are still allowed to perform and highlighted through this corrupt concert system.

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