Psychopath slow Joe Biden comes on The View and latest delusional and deranged interview

      Troy York

     Failed soon to be former President Joe Biden appeared with a cackling hens at the view in a very cringe-worthy strange interview.Joe Biden is in his last days not only of being president but perhaps his life and the demented in 91-year-old failed president has been a complete disaster and is only supported by crazy individuals such as the women at The View. Whoopi Goldberg and the other disgusting hen sluts at The

View quite literally put their tongues up Joe Biden's ass pleased at the diverse cabinet and administration he has appointed. This was a major topic of their discussion Joe Biden lied down his ass and proved his dementia as he thought he could be Donald Trump and said that he stayed in the race he still thinks he could have beat Donald

Trump. Old demented slow Joe ignoring his declining poll numbers that would have been worse and worse and Biden from sources is anger besides himself about being pushed off, but despite this he tried to keep his cool on The View. When asked about if he felt he was pushed out of a second term nobody he denied that he was in a fit of anger and extreme depression. Joe Blow knows he would have lost a second term and he was speared a humiliating defeat for himself and this is why he bowed out of the race for Kamala Harris.  

    Joe Biden's appearance on The View was just weird and this strange television show that is extremely partisan and Democratic Party media gave you another softball interview to this horrible president that thankfully only has a few months left. Joe Biden will go down history as the worst president in the United States and this man is clearly unintelligent when one hears him speak and this could explain why the

globalist installed this idiot from Delaware. Joe Biden's interview with the losers at the View including the racist Sunny Hostin and the elderly and ugly Joy Beher it was another disgrace and odd appearance of Bozo Biden on the view and if this interview is being mocked and replayed by Fox News and other conservative media. Joe's View interview is another example of the partisan garbage that ABC Disney provides along with other corporate mainstream media and in no real sense of word should black supremacist Whoopi Goldberg and Sonny Huston along with the ugly Joy Behar and other goofy dolls of the view. This garbage program extreme propaganda should be allowed on television in this program network bias and why we eventually will have to have the need to

bring the Fairness Doctrine brought back to end the nonsensical garbage that ABC Disney continues to pull with their Network and international funders. Joe Biden on The View was pure misinformation propaganda where Joe Biden gets to see garbage woman and talk goes unchallenged with his stupid talk and opinions.  These stupid women at The View work on behalf of the Democrat Party and they should declare this before each and every broadcast with a 10-second announcement for the viewers/ Joe Biden's weird interview with the view was gaslighting and gas farting as we saw him butting heads with Joy Behar and nearly swapping spit and the disgusting aspect of these two geriatric fucks faces nearly kissing made for horrible Network programming

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