Wgn's Milt Rosenberg and guest professor Charles Lipson of the University of Chicago bash bald head Arizona senator Mark Kelly and his lies about a border deal that Trump squashed

     Aaron Zappe

     Us senator Mark Kelly maybe from Mars as this maniac continues to lie and double down on the misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation as Robert Kennedy Jr would say and Arizona silly scum Mark Kelly from Arizona keeps lying about Trump's blocking a border deal. The space cadet Mark Kelly appeared on Face The Nation or whatever this weekend to show the country his ugly face whom some consider much more repulsive than the characters and costumes of the monsters in the Cantina scene of Star Wars. I mean come on Arizona I know the man is an Astronaut but why would anyone elect a sickly looking, no hair freak like Mark Kelly. What is really bothersome about Mark Kelly is he continues to lie and this fact was brought up by WGN radio host 

Milt Rosenberg who is number one overnight radio host in Chicago. Once again Professor Charles Lipson from the University of Chicago appeared with his friend and they talked about a variety of subjects including the Kamala Harris and Donald Trump debate.

      The topic of the border was brought up and professor Charles Lipson absolutely ripped Mark Kelly and his past weekend appearance on Face the Nation where he absolutely lied spread misinformation and doubles and triples down on his ugly ass lies about Trump and a border deal this idiot keeps rapping about about Trump squashing a border deal that was about to be set. Now the only thing Mark Kelly got right when he talks about the border deal is that there was negotiating nothing else and no deal was

actually done. Milt Rosenberg says Mark Kelly is a lunatic and quite literally he looks like a orange suited convict one would associate with being in prison. Professor Lipson suggested that Mark Kelly go back in space and get out of politics as this is more his expertise and the dishonesty of the Star Wars Cantina looking space alien Mark Kelly is embarrassing and just troll like material for the Democrat Party. There was no deal done on the border and the presentation and agreed upon border deal was actually just a few Rhinos who agreed with the Democrats. They did not have the votes to pass the first draft which never occurs anyway with bi partisan political bills and bald head from Arizona and mars knows this. This deal did not fit and was not agreeable to the vast

majority of Republicans and Donald Trump had absolutely nothing to do with this negotiating complete breakdown of a bipartisan border deal. Mark Kelly lies to you when he brings his ugly old face that looks like it suffered from radiation when he walked on the moon and he comes on network TV or the media press briefings down in Arizona talking about the failed bordered deal and blames Donald Trump for stopping in that now has become a Democratic Party talking point.

       Mark Kelly is a bald head dumb motherfucker whose expertise is in space and looking and examining moon rocks to see if they have appropriate mineral what Mark Kelly actually does in space I do not know but I think it would be good idea he'd get back on that fucking rocket and shoot off and one of Elon Musk's rocking it goes back to Mars worthy Star Wars Cantina scene where he belongs. Milton Rosenberg and Charles Lipson absolutely roasted the Arizona Center and nominated Mark Kelly four Space Monkey of the day in their daily award for individuals making stupid comments and being bad for our culture Mark Kelly's appearance on Face the Nation was utterly shocking and appalling and he continues to spread misinformation about Donald Trump stamping out any border deal in order to help him win the election in 2024. Needless to say Rosenberg agrees with the fact that Mark Kelly lies of his bald head and space damage brain. The number of cosmic rays that have entered the ball head of Mark Kelly may explain his unwillingness to tell the truth nor quite understand what political negotiating is and truthfully state most often a bipartisan agreement is very difficult whether it be the border or any other difficult task. Professor Lipson says politics is too difficult for astronauts Mark Kelly and he needs to go back into the astronaut business and worry about the Moon or Mars and getting fucking people on it

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