Mark Zuckerberg converts some Mercedes in expensive car for his Chinese wife

  Zachary Zuckerberg

     The ruling Elites a big tank and big business are so out of touch with the Common Man news that Mark Zuckerberg transformed a very expensive automobile into a truck or whatever for his ugly Chinese Wife made news and again. Why my brother gets any publicity these days as an agent for the CCP and China is not known. No wonder my brother brought home and married a Chinese woman and the wealth and arrogance of Mark Zuckerberg has could only be provided by the Chinese as there is no real value  in his failed and boring Facebook company and meta continues to mystify the world.  Mark Zuckerberg makes no products, nor does he have anything of any interest and as an elite his projects get the fast

forward and done as this guy is such a lunatic he continues to think that wearing glasses is going to replace a smartphone. I don't know when my brother is going to get the idea that people want to hold something and don't want something on their fucking face when it comes to tech. One of the draws of the smartphone and it's popularity is that people get to hold it in their hands and as human beings the power a touch is still a human trait that the tech overlords like Mark Zuckerberg, my stupid brother, will not be able to change in their lifetime and hopefully never.

     Mark Zuckerberg and his ugly Chinese wife disgusts me and Mark Zuckerberg clearly is a asset of the Chinese Communist Empire with his Chinese wife. Very few people who are struggling to live and survive paying bills are not interested in reading news that big Tech media and the internet media love to push them Mark

Zuckerberg is converting some Porsche into a minivan for his extremely wealthy wife. The fact that Mark Zuckerberg and scum like him and his Chinese wife could have so much wealth is a

disgusting aspect of our corrupt global finance system and the role of big Tech within it. No one cares that Mark Zuckerberg is converting a coop sedan Porsche into a Tesla or whatever this fucking new story is and the idea that Mark Zuckerberg commands so much respect and newsworthy event such as what he spends and does customizing his own Porsche into a fucking media van utterly reprehensible. The big

Tech overlords in the billionaire class need to be brought down what are they be Mark Cuban, Elon Musk, or Mark Zuckerberg and all these fuckers should not even exist as a billionaire, and this is a failure from our government that billionaires even exist.

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