Dennis Harris
Jessiah Eberlin of Pondering Politics propagandist left-wing stupid YouTube show is one of the micro influencers and stupidest left-wing Democrat Party shill Progressive radicals on the internet. This horrible and goofy propagandist praises anyone who is a left-wing lunatic like himself and this dipshit did it again with his praise of black supremacist and maniac Roland Martin as he appeared on the Pierce Morgan show debating a panel that included the Clay Travis of Fox news. Roland Martin was annoyed and having the debate and rolled his eyes and talked under his breath throughout this annoying interview as Mr Martin got handled by Mr Travis and another conservative on the panel along with Piers Morgan. Roland Martin is one of the stupidest individuals on the internet who has a larger audience than Josiah Eberlin and he is a committed communist Marxist, big mouth blabbermouth who often makes little sense and presents an extremist left-wing black supremacist viewpoint and does so proudly.
Roland Martin presented the same pentagon distraction saying that we need to cut spending on our important military power and strength and this is because he wants to weaken the United States and wants to empower the craze progressive agendas of LGBTQ through government taxpayer money. Roland Martin is a lunatic much like Jessiah Eberlin and their arguments against government wasteful
spending is only concentrated on our strong and necessary military spending because these lunatics seek to undermine the power of the United States plain and simple and they want to help our enemies. Clay Travis utterly upended the busted drugged out and the Fried Chicken brain of Roland Martin and his Elon Musk obsession like many lunatics on the far left. These chumps and scum like Martin are only committed to cutting spending when the military while they want to continue to fund a bloated government of bloated lazy workers and bad teachers among others and a corrupt pharmaceutical industry that is committed to their form of political censorship and oppression.
Roland Martin is a dangerous individual a communist and a black supremacist all mixed into one and actually for scumbag Pondering Politics leftists this is a dirty individual who should be admired. People like these leftists and Democratic party shows Roland Martin and Jessiah want wasteful spending for Progressive causes so they can distribute it to their corrupt cronies overseas and feed into this global cabal. Increasingly Americans are having to pay a higher price whether it be taxes or inflation because of this psychotic agenda and global monopolist system that the Democrats enter political allies and nations overseas in governments seek. Clay Travis humiliated this black supremacist Roland Martin talking about how the vast majority of Americans want Common Sense spending and funding and sending our taxpayer money so Sri Lankan lesbian LGBTQI groups can teach video games to grammar school students is not something that should be taught. Naturally, the far-left lunatics like Roland Martin want to use this to go after the military budgets and cutting skill technology and spending needed to keep America on top over the nefarious sinister terrorist and
authoritarian communist countries around the world. Roland Martin and pondering politics Jessiah Eberlin are anti-American scum who wish to empower these Communist and Islamic terrorist groups around the world give us the seat to find ways to spend government's money on other projects instead of the most important one for our nation, which is a military. Travis talked about the common sense spending that Americans want and clearly a delusional and deranged psychotic like Roland Martin doesn't want common sense in any forms of government spending and thus he is very supportive of the Democrats resistance to Elon Musk's important Doge work and willingness to run out obvious corruption and wasteful expenditures of American taxpayer money. A cracked up and drugged Roland Martin looked like a psychotic has he likely was on crack or coke before this interview and this man could not stop talking under his breath while others were talking and rolling his eyes like a fucking moron. The poor representation Mr Martin provided in this debate nationally was hailed by this left-wing lunatic from Pondering Politics named Jessiah and whether Jessiah is a heavy crack and Drug user as it appears Roland Martin is not known.
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