Dead head Bald eighty year old James Carville humiliated in FOX News interview with Sean Hannitty

 Red and dirty

    Bald Head Times

Red and Dirty

       The bald 80-year-old nasty Democrat strategist James Carville made a rear appearance on Fox News where this lunatic actually might get some of his crazy ideas pressed back against by an actual journalist. This is exactly what happened to Sean Hannity had the goofy and stupid James Carville and hsio old unstylish hats and the jackfucker doubled down on his support of the Democrat Party and refused to admit that wokeism and it's open borders with the primarily cause of so many people leaving it and voting for Donald Trump again. James Carville is a lunatic and quite literally in denial of the delusion of his political party and maniacs such as himself. King James and Sean went

back and forth as this Louisiana idiot kept making mentions and lies that polling numbers show Trump and record low approval ratings. James Carville lies of his bald ass and indeed regardless of what any polls number says what we have seen during the election is that polish should not be trusted and all James Carville could say is that poll number show that the American people do not support Donald Trump's agenda as the least popular president according to the ball polls that James Carville likes and wants to support.

       Mr Carville quite literally is a goddamn lunatic one of the stupidest men around and yet media channels has fallen over to this guy like he is of some importance and incredible thought process. James Carville is just a bald dipshit who is a partisan Democrat and refuses to admit the defeat and the failures of his political party as was seen in 2024. This is precise precisely what Sean Hanitty called out and was

grilling him throughout this interview that Mr Carville dropped the bomb. James Carville is not worth a dime giving his dip shit opinions on politics through the past few years on both MSNBC and CNN where unlike tis interview there was little push back of the crazed profane rants of this old man.  says that the Democrats should just sit out and wait out Donald Trump and that Trump will collapse and indeed the Democrats have often sat on problems so they would not be doing anything different than this bald head James Carvel says. Carville was humiliated throughout this interview as this bald shit couldn't defend the indefensible and the wasteful throwing of money to weird GLBTQI++ horseshit overseas such as transgendered surgeries in Guatemala and transvestite theaters in Turkey. Hannity grilled this mother fucker as he had on the side next to this Democratic strategist three minutes' worth of wasteful theft and Democrat spending and sending of millions overseas to primarily these woke lesbian projects.

Mr Carville is an old Louisiana crack pot who needs to retire and go away no one wants to see his ugly old face, no one wants to hear his rusty raspy voice, and very few people want to see the visual image of this bald-headed expert and know everything jackass that James Carville is as a silly scum human being. Mr Carville is a jackass and a half who has no integrity aside from media monarchy that seems to think that this idiot is either a clown or if some worthy of respect to give his opinions on political matters. To say that James Carville is an ugly mother fucker would be an understatement and why we have to keep seeing this silly mother piece of shit is a Wonder only an executive can answer

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