French leader laughingstock Emmanuel Marcone doesn't want his knee touched as he is humiliated by Donald Trump

   Sammy Hamcheck

     The good show that has been the complete failure of French president Emmanuel Marcone was mocked by number 45 and number 47 . Donald Trump put his hand on the knee to demean and talk down into Emmanuel Marcone in a humiliating visual expression that made the French leader angry and trolled. Emmanuel Marcone is a nobody compared to America and France is a fallen Empire living on the subsidies of unequal trade deals and thus the French people and are able to have so many businesses of bakers and fresh bread and different places to buy bread the French love. The  use of subsidies France and other Europe nations receive from the United States has done to protect itself in order to build up is luxury lifestyle and artisan surroundings while importing its ghetto residents to fill in the outer barrels of its major cities.

     Manual Marcone is a complete laughing stock leader with little respect and much to disdain within his own country and for him to come and challenge Donald Trump and try to shove his hand off his knee was utterly reprehensible and laughable. Marcone is Americas bitch and sweetheart whether he likes it or not.  if Donald Trump wants to tap him on the knee and let him know that he is a submissive subservient little dog for the United States then he should be able to get away without a pop. However Emmanuel Marco-- and who has a transsexual wife - - did not want to have any of this in this visual of his humiliation from

Trump  and he was mad not going to accept thus. Their hands battled for several seconds in a odd display and dance between world leaders and much of the world held its breath or those who were watching live.  
The fact is the United States is a superpower and France played the part of an Empire but they never really was in fact a Empire.
 France had was a bunch of weak African nations and some Viet Kong-type people and tribal and this country has long cease being an Empire over two or three centuries yet here you have Emmanuel Marcon demanding and pretending they still have the same respect Europe this week and thus brings weak leaders and week loss against censorship and Free Speech nothing exemplifies a globalist of modern era than a

leader like a Emanuel Marcone and fellow weakling Justin Trudeau these two week leaders embarrass their nations and are unable to comprehend how to deal with the United States run by a strong leader. I reckon this is why they fund many week leaders whether they be Barack Obama or Joe Biden and the failed candiacy are come out.  Hillary Clinton Emmanuel Marcon wants a American president who will show him respect and not tap him on the knee and remind him of his mistakes in misfortunes of a fail nation and thus we saw the dance of the hands.

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