Sick status Coup bad YouTuber Jordan Chariton cannot stop simp[ing and wanting to suck the cock of Luigi Mangolie

        Wally Jackson

   Oh out on the YouTube World there is this weird left-wing lunatic podcaster named Jordan Chariton is this Jewish looking weirdo runs some YouTube channel called Status Coup which he usually is a middle of the road undescript left-wing podcast propaganda that was usually not even worth a watch or a mention. Jordan Charlton though has become so infatuated and

obsessed with the brutal murderer known as Luigi Mangolie who cowardly shot a health executive because he didn't like how the company ran its policy and declined some people in its insurance claims. Luigi Mangolie has become a hero for the psychotic left and losers in the basement named Jordan Chariton who sent so much and desires to suck the cock of Luigi Mangolie. Jordan Charlton has done 130 shows in the two months after Luigi was arrested and he has done 130 different videos of Luigi Mangolie. The sexual arousal of Jordan Charlton gets whenever he talks and wets cum in his pants about Luigi Mangolie is obviously seen as this man salivates when he is doing a video on Luigi.

    Recently weirdo Jordan Chariton was talking about how much money Luigi Manjoli and his defense have raised on a GoFundMe campaign about $300,000 have been raised by lunatics such as Jordan Chariton for the defense of this maniac cold blood killer. Luigi Mangolie had committed this crime in the West Wild West of the 1880s would have been hugging from a tree within a couple days. The Cowardly killer of  Helath executive Brian Thompson in cold blood and thus he's a hero to the lunatic left wishing to socialize all medicine and to empower it

essentially government bureaucrats and socialists in their committed goal destroying private health care. This nefarious goal is shared by psychopaths like Jordan Chariton Jordan Charlton would suck the cock a Luigi Manjoli and this is a dude who would break into prisons and if he could get a cell and spend some time with this Italian Stallion Luigi Manjoli. The sickness of Jordan Charlton in celebrating a killer is typical of the state of the left in this country and their weird commitment to brutality and killing their political opponents in those who they agree with is a cause of celebration and in Jordan Charlton's case an obsession. This dickl ess Youtuber with numerous videos dedicated to this ANTIFA linked killer. To say that Jordan Chariton is probably as much of a mental lunatic is Luigi Manjoli cannot be understated and must be said as fact. It is a damn shame that scum like Jordan Charlton is allowed on YouTube to spread their Luigi Manjolie simping and cocksucking with great patriots like Alex Jones and Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog or not allowed and this is not always a travesty it is an egregious dark mark on the social media platform known as YouTube

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