Tick tocker Nick Fagan utterly embarrasses and kicks the fat stomach of JB Pritzker dumb Illinois governor

         Trevor Travis


      The horrible 350 lb gangster governor of Illinois JB Pritzker continues to be horrified by the amount of people that go after his fat ass. JB Pritzker has become a national laughing stock with various National hosts like Greg Gutfeld taking daily aim at this fat woke plutocrat à la carte governor of Illinois. Make no mistake, JB Pritzker is a fucking oligarch who has used government to

enriching himself and other family members as over 10 members of the Pritzker family are billionaires and this does not happen by accident. The Pritzker family is not any more intelligent smarter, naturally genetically superior than other families and the amount of global corruption this fat heiress of the Hyatt Hotel corruption cannot be understated.


     This Democrat oligarch JB Pritzker is a fat mother fucker with money global handout he has purchased a Governor's Mansion in Illinois in order to feed his big  ego that almost matches his appetite hunger for food. Jamie Pritzker has such a neoclassical fat

narcissist that he had the need to be seen in front of cameras much so he can spew his opinions on politics and this is exactly what this fat 1930's weird and looking gangster has basically done. JB Pritzker purchased the governor's mansion so he can cry, bitch, and smear his political opponents in particularly Donald Trump every opportunity he gets. JB Pritzker about the only thing JB Pritzker

would pass up over an opportunity to talk in cameras and bash Trump would be all you can eat steak buffet. This disgusting 364 lb governor has been a complete laughing stock in an embarrassment in the land of Lincoln and increasingly the hatred and exposure of what a at clown and bad Democrat is being discovered by those outside Illinois. 

       Now various other people are setting their sites on the morbidly obese and strange looking caveman looking individual as the oligarch JB Pritzker often looks and sounds.  Tick Tocker Nate Fagan is the latest to absolutely roast this nearly 400 lb this governor who nearly tops the scales at 400 lb Nate Fagan showed a tweet of JB Pritzker talking some shit and SmackDown on Robert Kennedy and how he wants to fight for the health of each and every citizen of Illinois and thus Nate Fagan went on to show how Jamie Pritzker looks so healthy with his 370 pounds.  Fagan says this oligarch Jamie " Boss Hogg"  Pritzker doesn't care about the health and this is a crooked fat and politician he was just lying out of his ass is this guy can't even keep himself in the healthy visual. Nate Fagan rat roasted this guy and wondered how can an individual who is so bloated,round and obese and unhealthy can be talking about concern for the voters health. 

     The only health that JB Pritzker cares is his income Revenue stream and having a healthy return to his wealth. Fat heads net overwhelmed income has quadrupled since he has become governor this fucker is so corrupt. Nate Fagen is just one of many Americans who come coming to realize we have enemies within our midst and many of them are indeed political positions of power such as this obese oligarch JB Pritzker and he'll yields his power like a neoclassical narcissist dictator from South America in the 1960's. JB Pritzker's without a doubt is one of the biggest smash head scoundrels to have ever be seen in the governor's mansion and he makes it very easy target to troll and attack the Democrats given his family's connection and his role as a oligarch for the Democrat Party.

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