Tim Homan comes on ABC Disney and warns sanctuary city and governors and makes mention of Brandon Johnson and JB Pritzker as these two feel the heat

    Carson Tucker

     The twin trouble politicians from the Democrat Party in the Land of Lincoln are in some hot water. Illinois disgusting 389 for pound Governor JB Pritzker was made mentioned by Tom Holman as he appeared on the propaganda's channel ABC Disney to talk about the situation at the border and how ICE has gone in and arrested many criminals and illegal aliens. Tom Homan put both Illinois governor Pritzker and horrible Chicago radical mayor Brandon Johnson not noticed that if they keep interfering they run the risk of being arrested as Tom Homan says his ICE agency is not playing around and they will be making arrests with politicians who interfere with his job of going into the sanctuary cities. Mr Holman made threats in particular to the black

supremacist mayor of Chicago Brandon Johnson and his 380 lb buddy JB Pritzker and warned these two individuals not to get in the way and he that they're going to be seeing a lot more ICE agents and activity in their state and city.

      Chicago acts like it's its own little fiefdom city-states as the elites have long seem to separate from mainstream America and run as a global city and indeed the resistance of these global cities against the federal authorities is indeed an Insurrection act. We are calling for the arrest of Mayor Brandon Johnson and JB Pritzker for what they have already done in inflaming the tensions and interfering with the important job that ICE has to do and getting rid of the scum that are in our country illegal. Tom Holman is not playing around in he wants to see the

numbers increased as he was pressed by these ABC Disney globalist propagandists and Mr Homan insisted that the criminals are going first, but any illegal alien caught with them is an associate would be arrested. It is utterly disgusting we need ICE  federal authorities to do the job that the sanctuary

cities should be doing. Brandon Johnson's refusal and resistance to Federal Authority and preventing his police force from arresting illegal aliens is an insurrection act and one that is worthy of a treasonous violation and arrest. 

     Likewise the 1930s era gangster scumbag JB Pritzker and his long time advocation of nonsense over citizens is deserving of a arrest and prosecution as well.  Make no mistake these two politicians are working against Americans in the interest of foreigners and both of these clowns need to be arrested and need to be made an example to these other Democratic politicians who put the interests of non-Americans over Americans. Indeed, the actions of the scummy rat bastard Democrat politicians in advocating for illegal aliens is an insurrection act and one that should be dealt with profusely. Tom Homan is not to be played with in any more resistance of these two shithead politicians one who looks like fucking Humpty Dumpty, will result in their asses being arrested Illinois governor JB Pritzker and shithead should be arrested along with the criminal illegals as both are bad for the country. Illinois governor JB Pigtzger and shithead mayor Brandon Johnson are feeling the heat and the pressure from the Trump Administration and increasingly even the media is turning on these two dopes. These two silly scums are often mocked and ridiculed by various outlets of the New Media as they smash these two nefarious and sinister Illinois politicians for what they are and that is occupying foreign funded in foreign politicians within the Democrat Party working on behalf of Invaders into this country.

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