Tom Capri hired for 40 million dollars over ten years

 Rex Reed Jr

     Today we have the great news to report that we have hired another contributor to this love shark blog. Mr. Tom Capri has been signed to a huge mega 40 million dollars over 10 years contract to this blog and will now be writing at this love shark blog.  Mr Capri is eager to bring his central brand of writing as a centralist and not to be too extreme on the

Tom Capri is a great internet thinker and writer who has demonstrating ability to stay in the middle of the road and concentrate on trying to bring about the best about application of a political Deluxe writer  dialogue that he can deliver. He has now been rewarded as joining this incredible and amazing team of writers and we look forward to Mr Capri's great and possibly tell contributions to this blog. Mr Capri brings a decade of heavy intense internet writing and opinion making and we hope that for another 10 years this guy continues the great tradition that has been built up on our award-winning blonde.

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