Brandon Hunter
Brandon Buckingham and his camera man were almost shit some months ag as the arrogant and leftist vlogger. Brandon fucks around praising and talking about the ghetto regions of this country as this hip hop loving silly jackass often thinks huge is immune to the tribunals and trivial violence seen in the ghettos which Brandon fucking Buckingham often travels and doe his vides glorifying what he sees in the baddie cities and neighborhoods. Brandon Buckingham and his cameraman Acti were shot and blood oozed out of the neck of the cameraman who had to be hospitalized and lifesaving procedures were done in Cook County hospital who always has a bad reputation but perhaps no hospital is better at saving lives through gunshot wounds.
Brandion Buckingham is lucky to survived and his fucking Buckingham cameraman nearly was kaput. Mr Buckingham and his cameraman fucked around partying and videos the wrong gang and they got smoked by a rival ganged angered at the attention Mr Buckingham had given so much attention to their rivals. Acti and Lets go Brandon appeared in a video talking about the incident and how it developed and they vowed to return to Chicago and will not be deterred to vlog and video in America's third largest city and the official capital of boring fly by America as Brandon Fuckingham stated when talking about the Windy City, Brandon says he wants to end gang violence and this is the purpose of his YouTube videos and he would rather talk with rappers and celebrate their outstanding moves and vocals and in female rappers case their amazing but twirl and twerk which arouses Brandon Buckinghams little 2 inch penis. Brandon's camera man said he could easily be paralyzed and injured as a survivor and came out pretty good despite the gunshot wounds and he told Brandon and Buckinghams huge audience that getting shot was not like getting shot in a video game.
Brandon Buckingham says that violence like he and his cameraman have experienced are a sigh of the violence epidemic that Democrats cities see themselves as the Democratic party leadership is unable to solve the violence problems of working and lower-income neighborhoods and it is up to podcasters and vloggers like him to bring up the issues and problems which is something the corrupt and wicked prop-Democrat Part machine media refuses not wanting to put the inefficiencies and incompetencies of large politically monopolistic democrat ruled areas see massive damage of horrible policies and bad solutions to the problem of America's democrat decaying cities.
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