Humorless Scott Horton appears on Pierson Morgan show doesn't change his facial features through 1 hour

      Ed West


       The punk or the hick is what we think of Scott Horton from Mr Horton has made yet another appearance on Piers Morgan and he was utterly humiliated by a bald head named Mathew Syed whom Scott Horton got aggravated and called dork policy. This European expert Mr Syed cooked Scott Horton as he asked Horton why he would want a authoritarian to for Europe with growing Russian power as the anti-war pro-Russian propaganda. Scott Horton continues to defend the fascist and mafia leader Vladimir Putin. Scott Horton would be okay if Putin invaded and controlled of Eastern Europe and once again these countries were under the domain of the Russians as they were with the Soviet Union. The domination of Europe by a totalitarian thought police evil state is something the

Texas born hillbilly hick has no problema with. Scott Horton got aggravated throughout this interview as he rolled his eyes and Mr Horton cannot comprehend that people in Europe fear Russia and should not be living with the possible nightmare of expansive Russia determine to crush their democracies and Vladamir Putin wants to put his own puppets and oligarchs in command of these countries that border his.


   Scott Horton looked like a cook silent goose and a bot similar like Sam Sedar a few days ago can unable to crack a smile it looked so serious and angry throughout his appearance with the punk Scott Horton. Scott Horton was pretty much like a robot with the same expression throughout the interview and this was the first time Horton really looked bad on the Piers Morgan show as this man seeks to broaden his range and horizon appearing in several huge shows and he wants to push a book that he is allowed to write from time to time by some obscure publishers. Scott Horton was also mad because the United States is considering buying rare minerals from other Russia and seek to profit from this war as indeed the Punk's got hoarding is not very well informed of geopolitical strategies and the role of economics place in trying to end conflicts through strategic economics dealing.

    Horton was angry and triggered in perhaps his worse interview performance as this guy is a Russian phile and loves the days of the Cold war where millions of non-Russians suffer brutal repression and are brutalized under the yoke of the genocidal Russian Bear., One has to remember the ruthlessness the Russians have treated their neighbors and non-Russians throughout

history after they overthrew their Mongol overlords including on US soil as the Ruskies brutalized Alaskan native sin much more horrifying encounters and repressions than Anything the Mericna Western Great Plaines expansion committed and the Russians have been the bullies and brutalized their neighbors through the centuries one of the reasons Hitler and Germany feared this communist state seeing first hand the brutalities the Russians doubled downed following the fall of the Czar and rise of the totalitarian evil Communists in mother Russia ...who would kill their own mother and including the brothers from other mothers 

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