Maori Christians confront LGBTQ word March in New Zealand

 Arthur " King" Eaton

    The Maori tribe is a group of indigenous people who don't play around with the Western woke value system that is a corrupt and sick mental aspect of today's world. With this in mind a LGBTQ RIP  rally was organized in a Christian Maori neighborhood off the cost of a New Zealand City or something a group of young Maori Christians as they were described did the incredible war chant as they interrupted the LGBTQ weird parade and did their customary and worldwide known Maori death dance. This death dance is very similar to what Leticia and Monique do as our favorite Backpage escorts which is calling on their opponents to die and the Maouri were wishing very ill well on this rainbow Mafia global system that is

committed to spreading vile and despicable forms of sexuality in particular to the young people of the world. This incredible Maori death stomp was amazing to see because it shows that indigenous people are not in line with the craze values of the rainbow LGBT Mafia. 

     Whatever, crapola that the libtards and the internationalists wish to install on all people's minds regardless of who they are. If you are not in line with Wokism the woke will harass and try to recruit and this is obviously something the Maori New Zealand indigenous group realize and thus these young men who have converted into Christianity decided to take a stand against this Global woke pansexualism

extremism that we see of what these LGBT sickness and disease has become. The Maori absolutely made many members of this LGB rally parade members pee in their fucking pants and the amount of fear and secure that the Maori's with their tongue waving death defying dance created was utterly amazing we are very highly supportive in the Maoris whenever they see one of these globalist homosexual parades in their area we strongly support them in it encourage them to do the death dance

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