Nick Shirley goes to Jerusalem and find Jews heavily in favor of moving the Palestinians to Morocco

     Ramon Ramos

     The idea that another Las Vegas might be produced in Gaza City is an amazing thoughts and possibility by Donald Trump that no one has brought up before and it's probably the best method of ending this constant evil that Israel has to face around its border the displacement of Palestinians should have occurred a long time ago and why the Israelis allowed this crazy psychotic generational buildup of hatred against them pile up in one little area is amazing. The amount of violence and hate that the Palestinians have had for the Jews is insurmountable and for all the leftists complaining about open-air prison system they should be the first ones to open and support of the displacement of the Palestinians to other lands and stans far away from Gaza and the somewhere in the

Middle East or North Africa. Nick Shirley is a YouTuber who also traveled the world and interviews people in hot spots and he was in Israel talking to both regular Jews and Hasidic about the possibility and the necessary of displacing the Palestinians and Gaza SimCity needs to be produced in real life as a great and beautiful city of globalists and wealthy people can produce displacing the poverty stricken and illiterate Palestinian people who could be moved somewhere far away like Morocco or Whateverstan. 

\        The Hamastians can be given the Western Sahara as these sand devils have lost all rights to this little strip of land and the West Bank and why Israel just doesn't go forward with the greater Israeli Zuoniust movement is incredibly amazing. The restraint of the modern Jewish people is amazing and a dedication to the spirit of these incredible people.  Gaza City could be an incredible city And indeed this is what literally and the people he asked proposed as a new and prosperous city of wealthy

individuals would create stability and end the generational terrorism of Hamas and Hezbollah that long should have been dealt and should be extinguished. the remnants of the Palestinian demonic hell terrorist people could be easily moved to Libya far away from the state of Israel as this land belongs to the Jews and the Jews have fought several Wars defeating Arabs of various kind for the right to their historical and homeland that the Arabs long invaded. 

     This was brought up by many of the Jewish people Nick Shirley spoke to with a little microphone who loved Donald Trump's idea of this placing the Palestinian the 1.2 million Palestinians in the little strip of land that can be built for a great city for wealthier people and for greater purpose. Nick Shirly knows that Gaza City is something that should happen and would create much prosperity and stability in the region and the Palestinians and the leftists can have their dream of the Palestinians no longer being open air system prison system and they could be another country's problem with more space that they need for themselves unable to comprehend the modern world and get along with people who do not share their religion or values. This city needs to be built and only Donald Trump is a man and leader along with our strong ally Israel and possibly the Greeks, Europeans, and the Lebanese can help create a new city that would prosper and displace the vile and despicable generational hate that has long existed on the space. Surely Nick Shirly agrees with this and many people with common sense would know that this is the best solution long overdue.

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