Viva Frei calls for the arrest of New Hampshire senator Ben Whitehouse and for him to be sent to the big house

      Kevin Rooster  

    The great YouTuber Viva Frei wants to see this weird Northeast politician go to jail the Northeast says we have often state has some of the weirdest and stupidest politicians imaginable and one of them is a man who is always determined to go into the White House. this is because the man has White House in his last name as Senator Ben Whitehouse is a white haired Wizard and a geezer who is determined to be able to increase his own wealth and pocketbooks through corruption within the Democratic party. Viva Frei is amazing long-haired mop head podcaster who often does podcast out of his car for some reason. Perhaps

he is too cheap to create a studio but the outstanding work however that Viva Frei does is deserving of a microphone and a desk pretend late night talk show host setup. Indeed this guy is another under the radar patriot for now leaving the United States for Canada as well. Viva Frei ripped the ass up Ben White House as this man has been caught funneling money into his wife's non-profit and the amount of corruption these old nasty white-haired Democrat rat bastard politicians have been able to perform and bamboozle the

American taxpayers is unbelievable. Viva Frei tweeted Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr and Matt Gates and Elon Musk and Marcy Taylor Green that they should investigate Ben Whitehouse and prosecute this man to the maximum degree. Ben Whitehouse is an annoying troll who

often is a seen at these Senate committees acting like a horses ass that Mr Whitehouse will never be elected to the White House and as he looks at Donald Trump at the State Of The Union he is angry. he is bitter, and I'm surprised this silly jackass didn't have an outburst at the address. Perhaps Al Green beat him to the task. 

     We are calling for a full investigation and prosecution until into this silly son of a bitch known as  Ben Whitehouse who's now in some very very massive hot water. This Keith Olberman sounding and looking jag fag Mr White House and his ability to use government to move taxpayer money to non profits has been discovered and this man created to use fake charities to profit for himself and his wife through government. The problem with our government is we have too much scum like Ben Whitehouse who act like they are presidents and in the White House is this

continual problem of our US Senate and Congress that the Democrats have abused in order to create a king-like nobility for themselves in a modern feudal system. This must come to end. Ben Whitehouse is no king he may think of himself as a king and might look like a 13th century Royal Monarch from Norway or whatever. This is the 21st century and Ben Whitehouse is not a monarch he is a corrupt globalist from a small insignificant region of the United States that has way too many of this problem in their political system

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