Ukraine protests just all about consumerism greed

Tony Miselli

Ukraine is a typical nation that is trying to play the Cold War card game of playing Russia and America against each other for the best deal it can get. Ukraine protesters have taken to the streets to demand the president quit dealing with  Vladamir Putin, Ukraine people want the lifestyle of consumer wrist and they think that path leads West. Russia represents nothing but oppression and seeing how easily poles are able to move all around Europe and have access to all of the shopping challenges and options from Macy's to Carson's. Russia will have none of that and have been battling NATO for years against influence and reach coming up to its border. Ukraine's president realizes that border relationships triumph the wishes of a certain segment of the population.the people you see now on the street want access to the EU when in fact it has always been a major part of the Warsaw Pact. Polish people today are some of the biggest voices of support for free market consumerism capitalism because of years they felt left out of the awesome experience of shopping at a Macy's . It would be suicidal for Russia to allow a nation of forty million to join its rival when it is right next door. Russia will use its energy powers to fixate a position from the Ukrainian government and indeed the president has decided for the good of the street Ukraine is better off as Russia's ally than being a rival for now. Trade relations are important for these two nations to reestablish a closeness and alternative to the financial power of the euro region.  Ukraine is headed for devastation because of the greed of some in the population that has been seduced by the materialism and money they see on Western television programs. ukraines want so badly to be able to leave their inland iceland and move about wherever the market can give them a leg up on employment over native born workers. For once I agree with Vladamir Putin.

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