Michael Munger on Russ Robert's Econtalk defending value of taxi medallions

terry Blue
   Michael Munger is a full fledged libertarian professor from duke University and a piece of shit. He is one of my more hated rotten individuals I watch through youtube and recently he was on Russ Robert's Econtalk website. he is a frequent guest of Robert's show and a rare libertarian professor often making the rounds as guest speaker and debates defending the rights and special treatment of the wealthy class.ricochet.Munger.photo.jpg The topic of a recent talk was the affects of Uber and Munger thinks this will be shut down as the rights of taxi drivers and companies values for their monopoly and valuation of medallions in cities across America triumph innovation and development in the transportation industries. Munger is a big advocate of the constitution and he thinks it gives these taxi drivers a right to make the occupation of taxi driver costly for the average person to break into and he actually defends the medallions being sold for a million bucks. In this same interview he and Roberts say people have a right too even put up values of parking spaces to save people(primarily wealthy) from having anxiety of having to look for parking spaces and having the right to put a cost on this as people develop applications to put a price on the spot they catch. Munger and Roberts are insane on this idea. The libertarian madness though continues in a better idea as they discuss the eventual transformation of cars into being driver less as people will opt to do other things aside from drive in the future. People will be able to snooze,read,eat, and maybe even fuck in the future of these driver less cars if technology processes this way as they discuss the consequences and advantages of a driver less society. We already have the technology for this development and they are called trains. Any driver less society in the future though likely will mean poor people have to walk and this is something these two libertarians will never discuss. The fact is Uber will survive because young urban people will want this and have ability to select a driver instead of just some random immigrant that comes here to avoid taxes. The driver less future will see no truck drivers and illiterate taxi drivers hose driving judgement makes it hazardous to be a passenger and is a menace to pedestrians alike. Munger's an idiot if he really thinks taxi companies will obliterate progress and efficiency in the ways people are to be moved around in cities that currently see waste at night as thousands of drivers chug around looking for customers when customers can easily call for one on their smart phone when in need.

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