Wally Jackson
The Sunday Wire is a bad podcast hosted by one Patrick Hennington and is one of many conspiracy- type government manipulation programs out there on the internet. I listened to a few shows and a Patrick Hennington questioned why this is the only country with mass shootings and other countries such as China and Russia don't have all these crazy people with agendas running around with guns and trying to make a difference.

First of all Hennington should read some international news as Russia and China do have constant problems with some of their citizens going on rampages and stabbing school children or public shootings. It may appear they have less because America hs something more than these two places and this is something a Mr Hennington is likely not really aware. there is something called freedom that America has tht places like Russia and China do not have as much for their societies. A Patrick Hennington is obviously a fool who doesn't read the news and likely just some rich guy who always dreamed of his own radio program and network. he talked about how Muslims feel alienated and it leads to San Bernardino shootings and Russia doesn't have this problem. the last I checked Russia was actually having a

worse problem with the Muslims within its borders with constant border war and terrorism that once spilled out and manifested itself over here thanks to our innate and insane ability to take in refugees. You can catch his articulate observations on international social issues at http://21stcenturywire.com/ I wonder if Hennington doesn't realize that China may not have as many problems with its citizens as he claims America does with out own because they are an authoritarian state and dissidents like disappear. Patrick Hennington is a complete dufus. I wonder if this droppy-drugged out fuck face had his brain's switch on the day he made his last podcast observing the differences between American violence and lack of public violence in these two lovely states. Russia and China don't have other societal problems including a disgruntled former slave population that will always be disgruntled and seeing criminal activity preferable than working and being productive members of their society. Its easy for America to have constant internal fractions when you have a black minority that will never feel accepted through their race observations and code languages with one another. A Hennington just doesn't get why America has so much division yet many countries have these divisions. He needs to do more research on other countries before he attacks America for its numerous mass-shootings and societal divisions.
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