Martin Shkreli guilty of eight counts of security frauds

Martin Manziel
Dream Money
  The ever-smirking son of a bitch drug dealer martin Shkreli was found guilty of fraud as the pharmacist executive who bragged about raising lie-needing drug some 5000 percent will spend ten years in a maximum security prison for federal fraud. martin was accused of wire fraud in his dream money job of running a hedge fund basically as his personal spending account and in paying other defrauded insiders at something called MSBM Health Care. Martin shrkeli and his fuck face lawyer thought he would outwit the judge and jury but the young punk finally had the law catch up with him and this young man is typical of the people working and living by securities fraud on Wall Street in Manhattan.
 This pharma bro ripped off the pharmacy company he ran in order to repay investors to his wheeling and dealing and his palm greasing raising prices on the every day consumer so this guy and his buddies can buy over-priced suits and clothes made in Italy by Chinese human trafficked garment workers. Martin is a whack job always has been a whacker and always will whack his prick and now he gets to do it with  bunk mates. who should of been working behind the counter of a Jimmy johns or Fazoli's Italian pasta but instead in this financial fraudulent country jackasses like him are allowed to dip their measly fingers into companies doles. the sad truth is for every thousand pharma bro Martin Shkreli there are 999 fellow fuckfaces like him getting away with bamboozling the economy in a dream job screw job of america and only tight regulation and prosecution can cut these numbers eventually. White collar criminals like Martin Shkreli also should not have segregated federal prisons and should be sent to the big house with all of the gangs as this would make the swindlers think twice before acting in greed.

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