Moises Moreno
The My House of Dirty and their bald head rant podcast saw them take issues and bash the chrome done of John Fetterman. The failed US senator from Pennsylvania got the aid of the corruptible electoral and the globalists found a way to get this guy and his foreign born wife Gisele into office defeating a candidate in Dr Memhat Oz who ran a full pro American political agenda and not one of a global criminal complex of John Fetterman who vowed to continue the Democrat party obsession soft on crime
commitment, Dirty and Red bashed John Fetterman for going into a hospital seeking mental help instead of manning it out and now his self depression and bald head has alienated his hot Brazilian wife Giselle whom Red and Dirty said was smoking and should not be with a ugly bald head like John Fetterman. Red suggested Gisele left Baldie to go to Canada and likely have a rendezvous and they wondered if she went to see Casanova Justin Trudeau as Dirty said this woman must have strong
such ambitions to marry a depressed biog goon like John Fetterman and share his bed for so many years. The political ambitions of this Brazilian socialist woman is unbelievable and marriage through American idiots from these fascist Green Day punk suck socialists overseas is a national security threat and Dirty and red suggested geese left for Canada to have a fling with Canadian prime minster Justine Trudeau who hit that botch good in the front and back and something obviously the decrepit John Fetterman never was able to accomplish. Red and Dirty known that Gisese is ambitious Latin woman and she is willing to do whatever it takes to gain political leverage for herself and Brazilian family and only this may explain why she married and got attached to this Addams family freak.