Benny Johnson absolutely hammers the power hungry and fist of Jill Biden

 Rusty Stone

   Going after the bitch that Jill Biden YouTuber Benny Johnson absolutely hammered the real cause of the continuation of this elderly candidate Joe Biden. It is Jill Biden who is the driving force behind the failed candidacy of Joe Biden is the disgusting first lady is determined to hang on power despite all evidence that her husband's brain capacity and damage is evident for the world to see. Joe Biden is incapable of doing the job as presidency, yet the elder abuse of Joe Biden and his evil

wife's hunger insatiable appetite for power and prestige continues to press the failed Joe Biden administration to continue. Even after the disastrous debate many conservatives have been pointing out that Jill Biden and her ugly fuck face is the real problem. 

     This maniac first lady has a quest for control and power and she is not about to give up. Joe Biden's own staff is indeed leaking info that Jill Biden in recent weeks has been deranged and gone on a power trip and the leaking of this information has gone to the press. Jill Biden's insane lunacy and egomania narcissism is clearly being seen in political rallies where she is taking control and acting like a mad woman.  Despite the clear evidence that Joe Biden is regressing mentally the first lady Jill Biden is taking extreme measures to cover this up and

prevent the truth from being uncovered and exposed to the American people. This is because this narcissist lunatic woman does not want to give up the fame and prestige of being the first lady and she desires to do this job for another four years. This Maniac woman has been on the cover of Vogue magazine three times in 4 years Benny Johnson says that Jill Biden refuses to give the limelight she wants to continue to go to the state dinners and having the press fawn all over her and make her out as some important source of opinion and thought.

      Mr Johnson as usual is correct and the real problem within the Democratic Administration is Jill Biden when Joe Biden dies which might be in a couple months or even after if he is elected look for Jill Biden to retain power and she will take over the duties of the presidency. Jill Biden will completely take power and keep the Biden criminal family syndicate in control calling all of the shots and likely will then go after the constitution. Eddie Johnson called ugly Joe Biden a witch wish she is and likely she has been one throughout her life. The sick twisted first lady monster is indeed the wicked witch of Delaware and the White House and her sickness and nasty attitude power lust has been exposed for the world to see.

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