Man On The Run former CNBC political and financial analyst James McDonald brought to justice three years after his run

 Lincoln Kennedy

     Band Band on the Run Band on the Run as  James McDonald has been brought to Justice and the FBI captured his ass after a three year band on the run. The walls slowly closed in and former CNBC failed financial analyst and television asshole James McDonald has been caught and he was stuffed and cuffed by a Roscoe Coltrane . The former NBC analyst was charged with massive defrauding of customers and for 3 years this silly son of a bitch was Man On

The Run hiding and avoiding justice as federal authorities looked under every Rock for this Con man. This disgusting fugitive was finally caught and he will be brought to court for a slew of federal racketeering charges and indictments and James

McDonald may never see the light of the day again. The former CNBC analyst also will be brought before massive number of charges and this could also bring in at McDonald's executive Ronald McDonald who might also be on the fraud .There's no relation between the two, but the massive amount of financial crimes through defrauding investors as this idiot failed to appear before the United States Securities and Exchange Commision and eventually the FBI brought this clown in a fed pen.

       This man is accused of defrauding investors in two of his companies of millions and millions and millions of dollars. For three years the FBI tirelessly looked for this guy who was supposed to testify and Exchange and Securities trial and this man just skip town and again whether he has any involvement with the financial fraud that is hanging over at Star clouds of Ronald

McDonald and McDonalds corporation is not known. What is known is that this man will finally be brought to trial in will be held accountable for his financial crimes as Mr McDonald as president of two financial swindling companies named Hercules Investments and Index Strategy Advisors who did noting but advise hos to lose their money and move it into Mr Mcdonald's bank account. This dork thought he can just steal and commit massive amount of wire fraud and defrauding customers of his. 

     James McDowell often appeared with the fellow fraudster and scumbag Jim Cramer show and they would often debate finance and it appears that James McDonald didn't know shit about investing and his prime motivation was indeed theft. The implications of this man's case with the coming possible trial and indictment of McDonald's executive Ronald McDonald cannot be lost and the comparison between the two aside from the same name should be obvious. We look forward to both of these old McDonalds I haven't to go through a massive amount of criminal cases and to pay for the various crimes that both of these individuals have committed in the world of finance and business. The walls have finally closed in on James McDonald as he will not be appearing on CNBC anytime in the near future and it is only a matter of time before McDonald's executive and founder and clown prince Ronald McDonald is brought to the same justice

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