Failed former Islamist President Barack Hussein Obama comes to USA basketball and campaigns for his fourth term

 Ryan "Bozo" Bosworth

   Failed former Canyon occupied president of the United States Barack Hussein Obama came out for a basketball game and the only thing that Barack Obama likes is his goofiest sport basketball they failed former president came out and spoke about the importance of international dialogue and this coming Olympic tournament that Barack Hussein Obama expects the Team USA Basketball to extremely dominates throughout this tournament in the Olympics. The failed former Islamist president came in shook hands with the other Primadonna's of the National Basketball Association taking

amateur player time away and the idea that we have professional athletes such as National Basketball Association players in the Olympics is still an utter reprehensible joke. The failed former president is campaigning for his fourth term as the issue of his puppet Joe Biden is nagging on the white silver hair of the quickly aging and disgusting Silverback Barack Obama. The horrible former president crawled under some rock from Hawaii in case come back out in the public eye in time for the election and indeed throughout YouTube this silly son of a bitch is indeed on every commercial asking for a five dollar handouts for his beloved Democratic global fascist party and his puppet Joe Biden. 

    Barack Hussein Obama was one of the worst individuals ever to become president a disgusting globalist troll who hates this country and set aside the plans and agenda to totally remake this country in his own image and that of the globalist Green Communists of international unity. Barack Hussein Obama kiss the ass of the basketball players and indeed a president like him helped initiate the massive increase in

inequality as this war criminal and asshole needs to tone for his various crimes that he committed while in the White House. Without a doubt, When Donald Trump is elected one of the first individuals not named Joe Biden that Trump will go after will be this failed former rotten president and Islamist who worked hard to

redistribute the wealth of this country overseas primarily to the Gulf State Islamist nations and China. Barack Hussein Obama is a traitor to this country and this bastard needs to be charged with treason put on trial and perhaps given the ultimate sentence. There has been no bigger traitor in this country since Benedict Arnold and clearly Barack Hussein Obama has crawled out from his Rock just in time to go on the attack against Patriots in this country whom this son of a bitch disdains with such ferocious hatred and tenacity. The resistance against the Democrats and the globalists will continue and Public Enemy Number One son of a bitch Barack Obama has come out again from under his volcano rock in the middle of Hawaii to basically interfere and meddle in election and grift for the money that he has used politics to enriching himself and his close confidants. Barack Hussein Obama can go to fucking hell

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