Illinois Congressman representative Brad Schneider has his office trash by ANTIFA Palestinians and he calls for Joe Biden to resign

     Jake "Robot Roberts

     North Shore Illinois Congressman Brad Schneider saw his office utterly destroyed in Washington DC a mob of Palestinian stormed the capital and trashed the offices of Illinois representative. Brad Schneider in a suppressed media suppressed news story as the fascist of the far left and the radicals continue to harass this Jewish congressman from the Chicago area. Palestinian demonic Nazis stormed his offices and torn down the numerous pictures of Jewish hostages who have been captured by evil Palestinians and have been tortured since October 7th still under captivity by these monsters known as the Palestinian Gazans. Congressman Brad Schneider refuses to be intimidated by these left-wing fascist and he continues to be a full presser supporter of the state of Israel voting numerous times to help fund the Israel State and the Israeli Army to fight Muslim

terrorists in the region. Israel continues to stand up in the region against the tyrannical Muslim populations that essentially are very little different if powerless compared to their original Muslim armies of 632. Clearly had there been a strong Jewish State back then

they might have been able to hold back and stop the Arab Muslim expansion that brutally committed mass genocide throughout the Middle East conquering many lands in killing the indigenous people of the region forcing millions to becoming the Muslims of predominate the region of today. 

    Brad Schneider will continue to support the crucial state of Israel and will not be intimidated by these fascist leftists who have continued to harass him and threaten his life now not only protesting and tearing his office at the Capitol in a media suppressed news story, but also protesting at his house and threatening family members. The Palestinian left-wing maniacs and insurrectionist need to be held accountable and in check. Why there have not been mass arrests of these people who have continued to go after representative Schneider is not

quite understandable. Brad Schneider also announced his desire to see Joe Biden resign as he has stated Mr Biden is bad for the state of Israel and has strong leanings for the Palestinian dogs that terrorize the people of the region for our enemies proxies for the Islamic Republic of Iran. Brad Schneider utterly bashed Joe Biden's incompetency and suggested anyone can do a better job as president within the Democrat Party than him. This is a no-brainer that Joe Biden's brain has utterly failed and he needs to go into the dustbin of history.

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