Andrew of Run Don't Walk Productions levels weird Minnesota governor and vice president nominee Tim Walz calls him a habitual liar and

 Ryne "Bozo" Bosworth

    Andrew of Run Don't Walk Productions absolutely leveled failed Minnesota governor and unresponsive leader Tim Waltz as  in the summer of 2020 Tim Waltz was governor of Minnesota. Wild Black supremacists went wild on the streets because one black man was shot by the police  and Tim Wallace held back for three days and allowed the blacks to pretty much burn Minneapolis down in large chunks of

This is Tim Walz....

the city. The commitment Tim Waltz has to deranged, weird, progressive, far left racial identity politics cannot be understated, and he is a fat head and a silly fool of a politician could only get elected in a place like Minnesota.  Andrew of Run Don't Walk Productions utterly hammered this weird communist who traveled to China over 30 times got married and often celebrated the anniversary of the Tinemenenon Square massacre by the red Chinese. 

       Tim Waltz is one of the most unpopular vice president picks of all time and the vast majority people do not know him and those in a tune into non-partisan politics knows that this radical holds anti-American and crazed beliefs that are out of touch with the mainstream. Andrew Randall of Run Don't Walk Productions made mention of the numerous lies that failed Minnesota

Governor Tim Walz said including his insults that the National Guard would be mostly of cooks and not trained soldiers who are trained to combat Urban violence and rioting.  Andrew Run Don't Walk Productions also played Tim Waltz's weird sex couch smear against JD Vance that has been debunked and how this weirdo helps spread to begin with. Tim Walz is a weird mother fucker who likely humps his own dogs

instead of the other way around and the sick and bizarre sexual contact this dipshit likes doing and having contact with four-legged animals is just sick.  As Andrew stated karma's a bitch and a weird horse sex rumor Has been turned against this stupid son of a bitch from Minnesota. The great political YouTube annalist  known as Andrew of Run Don't Walk Productions also blasted the command master sergeant ranking and lie that Tim Walz and the Democrats tried to make claim of his rank which he did not finish the required training for this promotion. Andrew Arundel of Run Don't Walk Productions made mention that when Tim Waltz ran for congress over and over again, he kept making ads  with this rank claim claims of command sergeant major which was a lie. If there is any election interference it is coming from China who quite literally has put theoir own CCP plants into our congressional system such as kalifiornia congressman Ted Lieu.

      A creepy liar is what Andrew described this weird politician and far left lunatic who likely has more loyalty to China than to the United States. Make no mistake Tim Walz was selected by the globalist and primarily China and they have groomed this weirdo for a long time with his numerous trips to China givi g him free access to Chinese dog farms and dog brothels. Andrew of Walk Productions expose the fraud of and stolen valor as this man lied numerous times in video clip after video clip of serving in battlefield and having the Master Command Sergeant rank which he did not have. I would also suggest and reckon the Tim Waltz only handed the high of the master sergeant to begin with because of his Democrat Party politics and position  and likely his political career paved the way for Mr Waltz military National Guard promotions. 

   In addition this gutless coward ran and got out of his unit when it was about to be deployed to Iraq and the lies the Tim Walz keep saying he is served 24 years in the military is an  absolute lie as in the National Guard all you do is one weekend per month and two weeks during the year and that does not add up to anything near 24 years. Tim Walz is a weirdo and clearly politics played a role for his previous military promotions within the national Guard and this man likely would not been promoted anything higher than a corporal of not for the fact that he was a US congressman or governor. 

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