Oakland liquor store owner pulls out a gun on a gang of BMXers should of used it

 Benjamon Edmond

    Oakland Liquor store owner pulls gun on Black youth threatening the Golden Hours liquors on international store owner open a gun to a mob of black youth who ride around in bikes and threaten people. The disgusting video was seen and highlights the growing problem of youth BMX mob action that we have seen in the past couple years with these urban (Black) Youth going around and driving as packs and menacing and

threatening people. Sooner or later this mob is going to get their just due and in Oakland, California the other day this almost happened as a liquor store owner had told these mob of 50 yutes to get away from the store as they were intimidating customers. 

There was discussion among this mob of rushing the store and stealing liquor the owner or clerk came out and had a confrontation where he was immediately hit by two or three of the teens and then he brought out a gun that sent these scum kids out running. Oakland and the rest of California continues to be a failed Democrat area of corruption and criminality unable and unwilling to do anything about these teen mobs on BMX's and sometimes even motorbikes.

the brave owner had no choice but to bring the bike as the mob was about to attack him and clearly nothing is being done to protect the honest citizen from these mob of crazed drugged out and liquored-up youths who apparently don't have any parents. Sooner or later a shooting tragedy will occur and then and only then perhaps will government take a stringent and more disciplined approach to these kids

confiscating their bikes and maybe even putting them in youth detentions for a certain time. People have a right and a free society not to be harassed by youth riding bikes and the failed Democrat Party that controls much in California seems to want to look at the other way and not get involved in the criminality of underage minors.

Kalifornia and its poor residents who are not drugged out or criminals and honest citizens are under a constant attack by these thugs and the failed leadership and purposeful decline of culture by the loco Democrats has been no accident and likely pushed forward by the fentanyl pushers from China and

Mexico who are the real enemies of this nation and we have so many dangerous felons and foreign monsters within our midst from these two countries with a commitment to destroy our country one state at a time.

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